Writing - Personal Blog
ID: 11547928
Category : Blog / Magazine
  • blog
  • blog theme
  • blogging
  • creative
  • masonry
  • minimal
  • personal blog
  • read
  • readability
  • simple
  • simple and clean
  • typography
  • white
  • modern
  • clean
  • Minimal Blog with Super Clean Typography
  • Perfect Results in Search Engines
  • Support Team Helps You Set Your Blog

Wrting is a clean and minimal blog theme for perfect for writers who need to create personal blog site with simple creative features and effects to make readers feel the pleasure of reading blog posts and articles, Writing personal blog theme mixes between modern, classic and minimal styles and will help you create a simple and clean blog, if you are a blogger, then it’s a perfect choice for you if you don’t need to have any experiment to setup your Wordpress personal blog, it’s super simple and easy to setup, you will get high quality, responsive, well crafted blog out of the box to make writers only focuses on writing content, and it has great typography to make your fans and followers focus on every word you write.

New In version 3.00: You get Writing RTL blog, it has improved to fully support RTL languages with almost no difference to LTR languages, now you can use Writing to impress your readers with this amazing minimal RTL blog if your language is written from Right to left, we used the Arabic language as an example, you can check the demo here:

-RTL DEMO: Writing in Arabic Language.

Writing - Personal Blog - 1

Writing - Personal Blog - 2

Writing - Personal Blog - 3

Why Customers Love Writing

Customers love Writing Wordpress theme because it has all what they need to build a perfect simple blog

Writing Blog Features

  • Minimal Design
  • Clean Typography
  • Perfect SEO ( Everything is perfect sorted according to HTML5 outline rules, it will boost your SEO results in Search Engines )
  • Perfect Social Engagements
    • 24+ Social Icons
    • Social Share Buttons
    • Facebook Open Graph Tags
    • Facebook, Google Plus +, Latest Tweets & Social Icons Widgets
  • Different Blog Styles
    • Classic Style
    • Grid or Masonry Style
    • List Style
  • Easy To Customize ( Using Wordpress Live Customizer)
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Responsive & Retina Ready
  • Touch Friendly
  • Responsive Mobile Menu
  • RTL Languages Support
  • Multi-lingual &Translation Ready WPML Compatible
  • Cross Browsers Support

Minimal design to focus on readability.

Writing is a minimal personal blog theme for Wordpress, everything was made very simple just for you.
You have to focus only on writing your content and this theme will give the great reading experience for your blog followers.

Amazing SEO results, It will boost your SEO.

Writing theme has been well structured and has the most advanced and perfect HTML outline to make a friendly relationship between search engines and your website.
Everything is build according the most recent rules of Search Engines, so using this theme will boost your SEO results and will bring right readers to you.

Many ways to show your blog content.

You have many options to show your blog posts, you can simply switch between blog styles (Default, Classic, List, Masonry) you choose the best way to show your content.

Everything is Super Easy to setup.

Not only has a simple design, but also everything is simple and very easy setup, you don?t need any skills to customize your blog, you only need to install the theme and you will get your blog ready.

Great social engagement, you can show yourself.

Your social profiles are your ID on the web, with Writing Wordpress theme you can show yourself on several social networks.
Your articles will have a good relation with social networks too, all pages are well built using Open Graph to look good when you share them on social networks.


Version 3.791 – 27 Sept. 2021

- Fix embed video issue.
- Fix post format metabox in classic editor.
- Improve embed links.
- Added: new template Custom content then posts list.
- Added: option to add word before updated date.
- Added: option to disable images rounded corners.
- Minor Fixes.

Version 3.79 – 7 Aug. 2021

- Fix long quotes style.
- Fix Instagram widget issue.
- Add more social links to author profile.
- Minor Fixes.

Version 3.78 – 24 Jan. 2021

- Fix tweets feed issue.
- Fix sliding sidebar icon issue.
- Fix menu navigation at mobile view.
- Improve Image sizes function.
- Add style for long text quotes.
- Add option to show updates date in meta info.
- Add option to show posts navigation (previous/next post) from same category.
- Minor Fixes.

Version 3.77 – 24 Sept. 2020

- Fix Videos ratio.
- Hide menu button on mobile & tablet if deactivated.
- Fix sidebar issues.
- WP 5.5 compatibility.
- Minor Fixes.

Version 3.76 – 26 June 2020

- Fix banner sizes issue at list layout.
- Remove separator at home page in case of no tagline.
- Fix tweets feed issue.
- Add rel=”noreferrer” to all social media links.
- Add option to list newest comments first.
- Minor Fixes.

Version 3.75 – 3 June 2020

- Fix issue in Google Tag Manager head code.

Version 3.74 – 28 May 2020

- Fix Grid layout without Masonry effect in Safari.
- Fix Privacy Icon issue.
- Fix Facebook Page url issue.
- Update Lazyload script.
- Add option to insert Google Tag Manager code.
- Add option to insert Google Analytics code.
- Add option to load Google Fonts Asynchronous for performance.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.73 – 9 May 2020

- Fix Columns in Guttenberg Editor.

Version 3.72 – 6 May 2020

- Fix Google Fonts issue.
- Fix Wide Align cover in mobile issue.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.71 – 23 Apr. 2020

- Fix minor Instagram widget issue.
- Fix Gutenberg editor width issue.
- Improvements in performace.
- Add subsets to Typography settings.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.70 – 12 Nov. 2019

- Fix Instagram widget issue.
- Improve Cookies Notice in mobile.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.69 – 12 Nov. 2019

- Fix Video in single posts.
- Improvements in Gutenberg editor.
- Fix in Uncrop Gallery option.
- Add Medium to Social Media Links.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.68 – 12 Oct 2019

- Fix Instagram Feed widget issue.
- Add Authors Page template (to show all users).
- Add Tumblr to Social Media links.
- Add Performance Settings.
- Add option to lazy load images.
- Add Lazy Load loader option.
- Add Lazy Load Effect.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.67 – 15 Aug 2019

– Fix empty Skype in Social widget. (update Writing Core to v1.1)
– Add option to disable masonry effect (equal heights).
– Add Houzz to Social links list.
– Fixes for Gutenberg styles.
– Minor fixes.

Version 3.66 – 10 July 2019

- Create Writing Core plugin to include widgets.
- Add option to set Footer Widget columns (3-1 columns).
- Add Twitch to social links.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.65 – 15 Mar 2019

- Fix excerpt issue.
- Add Pinterest embed support.
- Add images lazyload option.
- Add wide image to Gutenberg editor.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.64 – 9 Feb 2019

- Fix Sliding Sidebar button in mobile.
- Improve About Me Image size.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.63 – 14 Jan 2019

- Fix Featured Masonry in mobile.
- Fix sliding sidebar icon in mobile.
- Improve Gallery images sizing.
- Add option to use different images sizes for different screens (Recommended, enable it from Customizer).
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.62 – 30 December 2018

- Fix sticky sliding sidebar icon.
- Fix share icons hover.

Version 3.61 – 30 December 2018

- Fix custom site width issue.
- Fix Links widget issue at customizer.

Version 3.60 – 29 December 2018

- Major improvements in Customizer.
- Compatibility with Wordpress 5.x (Gutenberg editor specifically).
- Add option to insert logo at Top Bar.
- Add option to change logo styles (image – text – image and text)
- Add option to set text logo top margin (in case of image and text logo)
- Add option to set image logo top margin (in case of image and text logo)
- Add option to show Featured Image caption in single post.
- Add option to show Featured Image caption in posts list.
- Add Goodreads link to social links.
- Add Mail link to social links.
- Add option to change (Category:) word before category title at category page.
- Add option to hide Category description at category page.
- Add option to change (Tag:) word before tag title at tag page.
- Add option to hide Tag description at tag page.
- Add option to show banner on single standard post (useful for old blogs with lots of posts).
- Change Code used to set sub-colors when using custom Main/post content bg colors from Javascript to PHP (better performance and user experience)
- Fix 404 page to show full width if 404 sidebar doesn’t exist.
- Fix sticky menu height issue at mobile.
- Minor code fixes.

Version 3.53 – 30 August 2018

- Fix Twitter widget connection issue.
- Fix Twitter widget links issue.
- Add option to include images in tweets for Twitter widget.
- Add option to exclude replies in tweets for Twitter widget.
- Add option to show full tweet in tweets for Twitter widget.
- Add Amazon link to social media links.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.52 – 4 August 2018

- Fix Default share image issue at home page.
- Add Wikipedia link to social media links.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.51 – 19 June 2018

- Add List with Featured Post Blog Layout.
- Update Google Fonts list.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.50 – 8 May 2018

- Fix inline images in post content in mobile.
- Fix share icons in the list with sidebar.
- Improve Ajax load SEO friendly.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.491 -22 Apr. 2018

- Add Telegram link to top header social links.
- Fix tags cloud issues.

Version 3.490 -22 Apr. 2018

- Improve mobile menu action.
- Improve sticky header style.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.481 -18 Apr. 2018

- Fix Instagram issue due to API update.
- Fix Instagram widget issue in media images.

Version 3.47 -18 Apr. 2018

- Fix Sticky logo option issues.
- Add option to lazy load video & audio banners.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.46 -12 Apr. 2018

- Improve list blog style appearance on mobile.
- Minor fixes.

Version 3.45 -10 Apr. 2018

- Improve views count function.
- Add option to count unique views only (From Appearance > Hits Counter Settings).
- Add option to change Menu Mobile Button Text.

Version 3.44 -4 Apr. 2018

- Fix media upload in widgets area in Customizer.
- Add Spotify to Social Media links.
- Add option to show tagline under image logo.

Version 3.431 -18 Mar. 2018

- Minor CSS fix.

Version 3.43 -18 Mar. 2018

- Fix Instagram Widget issue.

Version 3.421 -7 Mar. 2018

- Fix rtl slider error issue.

Version 3.42 -7 Mar. 2018

- Fix First Letter issue when title uses UTF8 characters.
- Major rtl improvements.

Version 3.41 -7 Mar. 2018

- Fix share icons.
- Fix comments appearance when avatars is hidden.

Version 3.40 -20 Feb. 2018

- Fix Comments issue when comments are restricted for logged in or registered users.
- Add option to optimize featured images quality.

Version 3.39 -17 Feb. 2018

- Fix Blog Title Font Size option on layout with sidebar.

Version 3.38 -14 Feb. 2018

- Fix Retina logo on FireFox.
- Fix menu mobile button text color issue.
- Fix menu items and search icon response on touch devices.
- Improvements in Typography.
- Adjust Sidebar to be wider.
- Add option to disable auto og meta data.
- Add option to disable Theme’s FB scripts.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.37 – 27 Jan. 2018

- Add nofollow to commenter avatar url.
- Fix share icons issue with single page when blog style is masonry.
- Add Product Hunt to Social Links.
- Add Quora to Social Links.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.36 – 13 Jan. 2018

- Fix Commenter Avatar link issue.
- Add option to customize featured image width x height at Single Post.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.35 – 28 Dec. 2017

- Hide Mobile Menu button when top bar is empty.
- Fix post format page issue.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.34 – 26 Dec. 2017

- Add option to hide Search at Top Bar.
- Add option to hide Title at single post pages.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.33 – 11 Dec. 2017

- Improvements in banner sizes.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.32 – 8 Dec. 2017

- Fix center logo script.
- Improve logo dot in arabic version.
- Fix favico not found error.
- Add Options to Facebook widget.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.31 – 25 Nov. 2017

- Add option to show/hide share icons on single posts only.
- Add option to show author info at author page.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.30 – 17 Nov. 2017

- Compatibility with Wordpress 4.9.
- Add option to Show/Hide Sliding Sidebar.
- Add option to Show/Hide Sticky Menus on single pages/posts.
- Add Discord Social Icon.
- Fix long sticky menu issue.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.29 – 9 Nov. 2017

- Improvements in mobile menu.
- Improvements in sliding sidebar.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.28 – 8 Nov. 2017

- Improvements in Typography.

Version 3.27 – 5 Nov. 2017

- Add Masonry with Featured Post blog layout.
- Add option to set posts per page at blog page.
- Improve meta info at mobile.
- Minor Improvments and fixes.

Version 3.26 – 24 October 2017

- Improve post content headers typography.
- Minor Improvments and fixes.

Version 3.25 – 24 October 2017

- Fix video and audio post height at masonry.
- Minor Improvments and fixes.

Version 3.24 – 2 October 2017

- Add Posts Content Width option (Wide, Narrow).
- Minor Improvments and fixes.

Version 3.23 – 1 October 2017

- Fix reading progress with sticky header and admin bar.
- Fix avatar header button image issue with sticky header.
- Add Stumbleupon to share icons.
- Add Whatsapp and Telegram to share icons on mobile.
- Extend categories in page options to allow multiple categories.
- Add options to post format icon.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.22 – 19 September 2017

- Fix Author facebook link issue.
- Fix rss excerpt length issue.
- Fix schemas structure errors for related posts.
- Add Author website url to author box.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.21 – 11 September 2017

- Add option to set share bar position (before post content, after post content, both).
- Adjustments to Typography to improve Readability.
- Improve Editor style to be similar to site content typography.
- Add Older Posts and Newer Posts to po file.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.20 – 18 ِAugust 2017

- Fix Continue Reading button issue at custom description.
- Add Rich Text feature to Custom Post Description.
- Add alt attribute to header avatar image.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.19 – 7 ِAugust 2017

- Fix missing updated structured data error.
- Add option to display excerpt with formatting.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.18 – 31 July 2017

- Remove duplicate favicon option.
- Option to set share icons to show on hover or always.
- Add rich text feature to Footer Credits Text Option.
- Add mail icon to share icons.
- Add print icon to share icons.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.17 – 24 July 2017

- Fix import notice dismiss issue.
- Add option to order by views count to Writing – Post List widget.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.16 – 17 July 2017

- Fix tagline centering with centered logo.
- Fix mobile menu touch.
- Add tagline font type option.
- Add tagline font size option.
- Add tagline line height option.
- Add option to disable/enable post formatting at full text blog list.
- Add One Click Demo Import plugin support for better import.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.15 – 7 July 2017

- Compitability with Wordpress 4.8.
- Fix center logo style.
- Improve logo font style.
- Improve Instagram slider.
- Enable rich text at About Me widget description.
- Add option to set category for blog page.
- Add option to set Logo font type.
- Add option to disable default theme gallery.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.14 – 25 May 2017

- Fix single blog title font settings.
- Add option to set category at postlist widget.
- Improve secondary menu on mobile.

Version 3.13 – 14 Apr 2017

- Fix issue with input fields at mac safari.
- Fix center logo issue.
- Add more typography options (blog list title, single post title, widget title, meta info).
- Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 3.12 – 21 February 2017

- Fix issue with Reading more button.

Version 3.11 – 19 February 2017

- Fix input fields at Safari.
- Update Google Fonts Library.
- Update FontsAwesome to v4.7.
- Improve Related Posts Section.
- Add option to select related posts relation (Category, Tags, Author).
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.10 – 28 January 2017

– Fix showing Category if blog contains one category only.
– Fix fonts links so that they support ssl.
– Improve Youtube video support.
– Load platform.js from google only when use Google+ widget.
– Fix submenu typography change.
– Fix showing continue reading button when using full content with < !more> tags.
– Improve asalah excerpt.
– Add ajax load pagination style.
– Compatibility with Wordpress 4.7.x.
– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.06 – 13 October 2016

- Improve sticky menu.
- Add Pocket share to post share icons.
- Update Font Awesome to v4.6.3.
- Add option to load theme default fonts locally instead of Google fonts CDN.
- Minor Fixes and Imporvements.

Version 3.05 – 21 September 2016

– Fix List style at mobile.
– Add option for sticky logo at mobile.

Version 3.04 – 24 August 2016

– Fix Instagram Widget issue.
– Support Jetpack Carousel & Tiled Gallery.
– Support Wordpress 4.6.
– Fix Continue Reading button issue with non-latin languages.
– Minor Fixes and improvements.

Version 3.03 – 21 July 2016

– Fix h1 typography font size.
– Fix author social icons style.
– Add Facebook Comments to pages through page options.
– Add option to show/hide social share icons.
– Add Vk & Reddit & Tumblr social share icons.
– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 3.02 – 11 July 2016

– Fix Custom CSS/JS Code sanitization.
– Fix blog layout with sidebar width issue at screens less than 992.
– Fix right padding for last child at top bar menu.
– Fix RTL menu padding.
– Fix post navigation order at RTL.
– Fix continue reading button issue at rtl.
– Fix post navigation arrow direction at mobile view.
– Fix Instagram thumbnails at mobile view.
– Fix Gallery Slider arrows at RTL.

Version 3.01 – 20 June 2016

– RTL Style Improvements.
– Arabic Translation added.
– Fix at sidebar.
– General Style improvements.
– Open Graph fixes.
– Minor Bug Fixes.
– RTL Dropdown Menu Improvements.

Version 3.00 – 19 June 2016

– RTL Style Improvements.
– Arabic Translation added.
– Fix at sidebar.
– General Style improvements.
– Open Graph fixes.
– Minor Bug Fixes.

Version 2.75 – 9 June 2016

– Fix sidebar issue at category and index.
– Improve Topbar styling options.
– Fix full width masonry at firefox.

Version 2.74 – 4 June 2016

– Improve excerpt function.
– Add Show Share option to page settings.
– Improvements on sticky menu.
– Fix on sticky mobile menu.
– Improvements on top bar colors.
– Fix on masonry full width listing.

Version 2.73 – 23 May 2016

- Default width changed to improve typography and readability.
- Hide Scrollbar at slide sidebar.
- Improve slide sidebar scroll on mobile.
- Improvements on rtl style.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 2.72 – 14 May 2016

- Fix sticky menu background.
- Fix Menu font typography issue.
- Minor Fixes.

Version 2.71 – 11 May 2016

- Add Custom Description option to post settings.

Version 2.70 – 25 April 2016

- Compitable with Wordpress 4.5.
- Hide Continue Reading Button if post is shorter than excerpt.
- Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 2.65 – 12 April 2016

- Add Header Background Style Options (single, tiled, cover).
- Add Option to Crop/not Crop Featured Image at single page.
- Add Option to Hide/show Title and author box at single page.
- Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 2.64 – 4 April 2016

– Improvements in meta tags.
– Add option to upload image to show at facebook share.
– Add option to move featured image under title at single posts/pages.
– Fix Menu and blog description font size and height options at Typography.
– Add Boxed header feature for image and color header background.
– Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 2.63 – 20 March 2016

– Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 2.62 – 17 March 2016

– Add image shape and size options to (Writing – About Me) widget.
– Add top bar hover color option.
– Add header hover color option.
– Add titles hover color option.
– Fix translations issue.
– Fix sliding sidebar icon issue.
– Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 2.61- 6 March 2016

– Fix post excerpt at blog layouts other than blog.
– Add line height to typography options.
– Add menu items to typography options.
– Add blog excerpt to typography options.
– Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 2.60 -18 January 2016

- ADDED: Sticky Menu Option to Customizer.
- ADDED: Add Static Home Page Navigation.
- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.50 -27 January 2016

- ADDED: Option to add custom header & footer code.
- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.43 -22 January 2016

- Fix: Issue with site width more than 990px.
- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.42 -21 January 2016

- Improvements: Post options improvements.
- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.41 -20 January 2016

- Fix: Comment fields layout issues.

Version 2.40 -20 January 2016

- Improvements: Customizer settings UI improvements.
- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.33 -17 January 2016

- Fixed: Twitter OAuth issue.
- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.32 -28 December 2015

- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.31 -27 December 2015

- FIXED: Hidden sidebar issue from last update.

Version 2.30 -23 December 2015

- FIXED: Issues with latin characters in post content.
- FIXED: Fixes with posts banner.
- ADDED: Option to change site width.
- ADDED: Option to hide post content.
- ADDED: Option to show/hide read more button.
- ADDED: Option to change read more text.
- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.20 -06 December 2015

- ADDED: Child theme folder added to the package.
- FIXED: Instagram slider issues fixed.
- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.10 -17 November 2015

- ADDED: Options to show/hide each meta info.
- Many Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 2.01 -4 November 2015

- FIXED: Sliding Sidebar in mobile view with width smaller than 400px.
- FIXED: Featured Image appears in single standard post even if post type is text only.

Version 2.00 -26 October 2015

- FIXED: Standart post now shows featured image.
- FIXED: Post Navigation Thumbnail Size.
- FIXED: Align next post.
- FIXED: Jetpack carousel issue.
- FIXED: Reorganize customizer options.
- ADDED: Typography options.
- ADDED: Options to customize header colors, backgrounds and texts.
- ADDED: Options to customize main site background and content background.
- ADDED: Options to customize texts colors.
- ADDED: Instagram slider widget.
- ADDED: Reading progress bar.
- ADDED: Option to enable/disable Next & Previous posts
- ADDED: Full width secondary menu location ( For Uber plugin compatibility )
- Many other Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 1.23 – 29 September 2015

- FIXED – Views issue where some people got error on admin panel.

Version 1.22 – 29 September 2015

- FIXED – Views counter bug fix.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 1.21 – 29 September 2015

- FIXED – Facebook comments placement improvement.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 1.20 – 27 September 2015

- ADDED – option to display views number.
- ADDED – social media links at author box.
- ADDED – option to change Site background.
- ADDED – option to change header background.
- ADDED – option to center site’s logo.
- ADDED – option to remove the logo dot.
- ADDED – option to enable/disable post excerpt and change its limit.
- ADDED – option to change post excerpt end.
- ADDED – option to add custom CSS/JS code.
- ADDED – option to add facebook comments.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 1.12 – 04 July 2015

- Added: Option to disable gallery cropping in blog list.
- Changed: Disable gallery image to crop in single post

Version 1.11 – 02 July 2015

- Added: Option to show or hide related posts.

Version 1.10 – 02 July 2015

- Added: Option to add description tagline below or beside logo.
- Added: Option to disable cropping banner images in blog list.
- Added: Author box to pages.
- Added: Option to show or hide author box in all posts and pages.
- Added: Option to show or hide author box individual posts or pages .
- Added: Option to show or hide share icons in all posts and pages.
- Added: Option to show or hide meta info in all posts and pages.

Version 1.04 – 10 June 2015

- Added: Option to hide post and page title.

Version 1.03 – 08 June 2015

- Fixed: Retina logo appears in RTL version.
- Fixed: Improvements and minor bug fixes for RTL version.

Version 1.02 – 06 June 2015

- Fixed: Issue in header.php file with some PHP versions.
- Fixed: Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Version 1.01 – 05 June 2015

- Added: Option to upload image logo and retina logo.
- Added: Option to set logo width and height.
- Added: Option to add favicon.
- Fixed: Conflict with post formats.
- Fixed: Improvements and minor bug fixes.

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