Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 27 August 2023

Thank you for visiting Amesome-Templates! We, at Amesome-Templates ("Amesome-Templates," "we," "us," or "our"), deeply respect your privacy. Transparency is crucial to us when it comes to handling your personal data. That's why we've provided a clear outline here about the personal information we collect, how we use it, as well as your options and rights.

By using any of Amesome-Templates' services, you confirm your agreement to the Terms of Service and confirm that you have read and understood both this Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.

Certain legal jurisdictions require us to provide you with specific additional information. If you are located in (I) California or (II) Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, or Utah, please refer to this page for such additional details.

1. Key Definitions

Within our Privacy Policy, the term "Users" refers to our customers who use our services, including visitors to our websites. To understand who we are, please review the "Who is Amesome-Templates?" section below. Individuals, visitors, and customers interacting with our Users' websites are referred to as "End Users." Any capitalized terms not defined in this Privacy Policy have the meanings specified in our Terms of Service.

2. Application of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines the measures we take regarding personal data we collect and use for our own purposes (i.e., where we act as a controller), such as your account data and information about your interactions with our services. This policy also covers information you provide to our customer support and certain data about your End Users. However, this Privacy Policy does not extend to personal data about our employees or job applicants (unless they are also Users).

We use cookies and similar technologies. Specifics about our approach can be found in our Cookie Policy.

Regarding personal data within Amesome-Templates' possession, we play various roles under global data protection laws. Understanding the distinction between "Amesome-Templates Controlled PI" and "User Controlled PI" is important to comprehend your obligations and Amesome-Templates' obligations.

"Amesome-Templates Controlled PI" pertains to personal data for which Amesome-Templates determines the purposes and methods of processing. This Privacy Policy and the accompanying additional information solely pertain to Amesome-Templates Controlled PI.

"User Controlled PI" pertains to personal data for which a User determines the purposes and methods of processing. In this case, Amesome-Templates functions as a data processor, service provider, or under similar terms as per applicable law. User Controlled PI includes User Content and personal data of End Users as described in Section 12, which we host and process on behalf of our Users. Our Users instruct us on how to handle User Controlled PI. They are responsible for ensuring that their collection and processing of User Controlled PI comply with relevant laws. If you are a User seeking information about how Amesome-Templates manages your User-Controlled PI, please refer to our Data Processing Addendum.
If you are an End User of one of our Users' websites and want to understand how your information is handled, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective site, if applicable. To learn about our treatment of Amesome-Templates Controlled PI for our own purposes, read further.

3. Collection of Personal Information

We collect various types of personal information related to you and your device, including:

Information you provide when creating an Account, such as your email address, first name, and last name.
Details you provide when signing up for Paid Services. Typically, this includes your billing address and a portion of your payment information, which is provided to us by our payment processor (e.g., the last four digits of your payment card, the country of issuance, and the expiration date).
Emails and other communications you send to us or contribute, such as customer support inquiries or posts on our customer message boards or forums. Please note that information shared in public areas of our websites is accessible to others.
Information you share in connection with surveys, contests, or promotions.
Data derived from your use of the Services or Users' websites. This encompasses IP addresses, preferences, web pages visited before accessing our or our Users' sites, browser information, network or device details (such as browser type, operating system, internet service provider, preference settings, unique device IDs, language, and regional settings), and details about how you interact with the Services and our Users' websites (e.g., timestamps, clicks, scrolling, browsing times, searches, transactions, referral pages, loading times, and encountered issues like loading errors).
Information obtained from our partners to enhance our marketing efforts, improve our Services, and better monitor, manage, and measure our advertising campaigns. This might include specifics about when our partners display our ads on their advertising platforms.
Other information you directly submit or provide through Third Party Services if you use such services to create an Account (based on your privacy settings with the Third Party Service).
We value your privacy and strive to handle your personal information responsibly and transparently. If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or how we handle your data, please feel free to contact us. Your trust is important to us, and we are committed to ensuring the security and protection of your personal information.
How we gather personal information

4. We collect personal information through various means, primarily in these three ways:

a. Information you provide

When you use our Services, we gather data from you through multiple avenues. For instance, when you sign up, we ask for your name and email to establish and oversee your Account. Moreover, we keep track of your preferences and maintain records of emails and other communications you send, such as queries to our customer support or contributions to forums. You might also share information with us via surveys, forms, or by participating in contests.

In certain instances, we might request specific information due to contractual or legal obligations. For instance, when you register or transfer a domain name using our Services, we need your domain registration details to adhere to ICANN, registry, ccTLD, or registrar policies. Additionally, if you subscribe to Paid Services, we might ask for your mailing address and jurisdiction information to determine the necessary tax collection. We will always notify you when certain information is required and the possible consequences of not providing it. If the requested information is vital for service provision or legally mandatory, not providing it could affect your ability to use our Services.

b. Information obtained from your use of our Services

When you engage with our Services, we collect information related to your interaction with them. This includes details like your IP address(es), device type, browser type, the webpage you visited before reaching our sites, the pages you view on our sites, and the time spent on them, as well as device identifiers. If you grant us permission through your device settings, we may collect your location data via our mobile apps.

For End Users of our Users' sites, we acquire data about your interactions with those sites. However, we analyze this information in anonymous, aggregated, or pseudonymized form to prevent direct identification. This assists us in assessing, providing, protecting, and enhancing our Services, which encompasses the development of new features and products.

Some of this information is gathered automatically through technologies like cookies when you utilize our Services or access Users' sites. We grant our Users control over the use of cookies and similar technologies on their sites, excluding those necessary for proper Service delivery, such as those used for performance or security reasons. Further information about our use of cookies can be found in our Cookie Policy. Similarly, some of this data is gathered automatically through your browser or device.

c. Information obtained from external sources

If you use a Third Party Service (like Google) to register for an Account, that Third Party Service may share your account details with us, such as your name and email address (we don't collect or store passwords for Third Party Services). Your privacy settings on the Third Party Service dictate what is shared. It's recommended to review their privacy policies and adjust your settings accordingly.

For Paid Services acquired via a Third Party Service that acts as an authorized reseller of our products, the authorized reseller might provide us with your account details (like your name and email) and the necessary data to complete your Paid Services registration, such as domain registration information.

If you directly sign up for Paid Services with us, we receive limited information about your payment card from our payment processor, including the last four digits, country of issuance, and expiration date. Presently, Stripe is our payment processor, handling your complete payment information according to Stripe's privacy policy. This section doesn't apply if you obtain Paid Services through in-app purchases from a mobile app store. For this scenario, refer to Google's and Apple's privacy policies. Similarly, if you sign up for Paid Services via an authorized reseller, review their privacy policy for information regarding payment data processing.

5. How we utilize your personal information

The personal information we gather serves various purposes, including:

Providing Services: Establishing and managing your Account, customizing our Services, managing domain registrations or transfers, processing payments, and addressing your inquiries.

Communication: Sending you emails about your transactions and Service-related announcements.

Surveys and Contests: Administering surveys, contests, and promotions.

Promotion: Tailoring marketing communications to promote our Services, products, offers, programs, and partner initiatives. We measure the success of these campaigns and may send varied communications based on your subscription plan or your interests as indicated by available information.

Advertising: Analyzing interactions with our Services and third-party online platforms to shape advertising that aligns with your preferences. This could involve choosing not to display ads for Services you already subscribed to or selecting ads based on your subscription or other relevant data.

Customization: Providing personalized services, utilizing location data for language preferences and accurate date/time display. Cookies and similar technologies also contribute to this aspect, remembering recent edits on Your Sites, for example.

Service Improvement: Studying usage patterns, assessing safety, enhancing the Services, developing new offerings, managing communications, and gauging advertising effectiveness. These analyses often rely on anonymous, pseudonymized, or aggregated data to prevent direct identification. If, for instance, we observe that most Paid Services Users use a particular feature, we might explore enhancing that feature.

Security: Ensuring the integrity and safety of our Services.

Vendor and Partner Relations: Managing relationships with vendors and partners.

Enforcement: Enforcing our legal terms, including our Terms of Service.

Protection: Safeguarding interests, rights, and property, including User protection against misuse.

Legal Compliance: Adhering to legal requirements, such as taxation and government regulations, industry standards, contracts, and law enforcement requests.

We process your personal information for these purposes when:

Consent: You've consented to specific use of your personal information, which you can modify or withdraw at any time.

Contract Performance: Your personal information is essential for delivering requested services and products or responding to your inquiries, either to fulfill our contract with you or to meet pre-contractual requests.

Legal Obligation: We have a legal obligation to employ your personal information, including compliance with tax regulations or responding to court orders and law enforcement demands.

Legitimate Interests: We have a legitimate interest in using your personal information in various situations:

Operating the Business: Supporting the business's operations, personalized advertising, and communication for business promotion.
Safety and Security: Analyzing and improving security, protecting against fraud, spam, and abuse.
Service Provision and Enhancement: Enhancing and providing the Services, offering personalized solutions, sharing data with other Amesome-Templates group companies, complying with legal obligations, and anonymizing data for future use.
Third-Party Interests: Facilitating partners' advertising efforts and enabling Users' site functionality and usage analysis.
Protection of Vital Interests: Protecting your essential interests or those of others.

Others' Legitimate Interests: As needed to serve the legitimate interests of third parties, such as partners delivering tailored advertising or Users requiring site functionality and usage insights.
Sharing Your Personal Information: How We Collaborate

At Amesome-Templates, we collaborate with various parties to provide you with exceptional services.

5. Here's how we share your personal information:

Affiliates: In our pursuit of delivering quality services and enhancing them, we may share personal information with our affiliates. This collaboration aids in offering you seamless services and analyzing service improvements.

Users: We work alongside our Users by sharing data about the usage patterns of their End Users on their respective sites. This includes insights like the End User's pre-site visit webpage and interaction behavior. This information empowers Users to assess site usage and refine their services.

Domain Registration Partners: When complying with ICANN, registry, ccTLD, or registrar policies, we may share your domain registration details with relevant domain registration partners.

Business Partners: Our collaboration extends to business partners as well. For instance, we might share your personal information when our Services are integrated with their Third Party Services. However, this sharing only occurs when you have been informed or can reasonably expect such collaboration.

Third-Party Plugins and Social Networks: To enhance your experience, we may share personal information with website plugins, social media platforms, or similar Third Party Services. This happens with your consent or when you directly interact with the plugin. For instance, when using a Third Party Service to create or log in to your Account, your personal information may be shared with that service.

Service Providers: We engage service providers to perform certain tasks on our behalf. These tasks range from customer support and managing external advertisements to sending marketing communications and assisting with data storage.

Payment Processing: For secure payment processing, we transmit some of your personal information through an encrypted connection to our payment processor.

Legal Compliance and Protection: If necessary, we may disclose your personal information to comply with the law, safeguard our rights, property, or interests (such as enforcing our Terms of Service), or prevent fraudulent or abusive behavior. In particular, we may reveal personal information in response to legitimate requests from public authorities, like those related to national security or law enforcement needs.

Tailored Advertising: To provide you with personalized advertising and gauge its effectiveness, we share personal information with third parties. For instance, we might share a pseudonymized email address with a third-party social media platform for advertising purposes, ensuring that our ads reach the right audience without bombarding existing Amesome-Templates users.

Business Transfers: In the event of reorganization, merger, acquisition, or asset sale, your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. This process could involve the actual deal or discussions leading up to potential deals.

At Amesome-Templates, transparent collaboration is crucial, and we take measures to ensure your personal information is shared responsibly and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. If you have any queries about our sharing practices, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Your privacy and trust remain our priority.

7. Your Rights and Options

In cases where applicable law dictates (and considering any relevant exemptions under the law), you may possess certain rights to access, update, modify, or erase personal information.

You hold the power to access, update, modify, or erase personal information (or that of your End Users) directly from your Account. Deleting your account can be done by following the steps outlined in this support guide. It's important to acknowledge that we might need to confirm your identity when you make requests. This verification process might entail providing additional information if you're unable to access your Account. Even if Account access is possible, supplementary information may be requested if we find it essential to confirm your identity. In scenarios where identity verification cannot be achieved or requested, we might, as per applicable law, be unable to fulfill your request. If you wish to submit a request for access, updates, modifications, or deletions, you can contact us via email at

You have the option to decline to receive marketing communications by adjusting your preferences within your Account or by following the unsubscribe instructions included in those communications.

Please be aware that deleting your personal information from our systems may involve technical delays. Additionally, we will retain personal information as required by law, to safeguard our and others' rights, to settle disputes, or enforce our legal terms and policies, as permitted by applicable law.

Under applicable law, you may have the right to limit or object to the processing of your personal information or to exercise data portability. Furthermore, you may be entitled to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority, as per applicable law. For individuals bound by EU data protection laws, we recommend directing such complaints to our primary supervisory authority:

Additionally, if we rely on your consent for processing your personal information, you possess the right to withdraw it at any time without incurring any charges. This withdrawal won't affect the legitimacy of the processing that occurred prior to the consent withdrawal.

Our Cookie Policy provides insights into how you can manage cookies and similar technologies.

If you are an End User of a User's site, it's advisable to directly contact the User to exercise your rights regarding any information they possess about you.

8. Safeguarding Your Personal Information

Acknowledging that absolute security is a lofty goal, we've established a specialized security team committed to upholding the safety of personal information. Our approach is underpinned by a combination of administrative, technical, and physical safeguards, all designed to offer a fitting defense against inadvertent or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized modification, disclosure, access, misuse, and any other illicit type of processing concerning the personal information we hold. Our security practices are robust and encompass a range of measures, including but not limited to:

1. Firewall Protection: We implement stringent firewalls to create a protective barrier against unauthorized access attempts.

2. Network Redundancy: Our network architecture features redundancy at various levels. This redundancy ensures that if one server encounters issues, an alternate server can seamlessly step in to maintain service continuity.

3. Vulnerability Management: We remain proactive in safeguarding against network vulnerabilities. Rigorous testing helps us detect and address potential weak points before they can be exploited.

Our commitment to protecting your personal information is unwavering. We continuously strive to evolve and enhance our security measures, aligning them with industry best practices to ensure your data remains secure. While complete invulnerability is a challenging aspiration, our ongoing efforts aim to create an environment where your personal information is shielded to the best of our ability.

9. Updates to Our Privacy Commitment

Our commitment to privacy remains steadfast, and we will update this Privacy Policy periodically to reflect shifts in technology, legal considerations, our operational landscape, or any other pertinent factors that we deem necessary or suitable. These updates will be indicated by a modification of the "Effective Date" at the beginning of the Privacy Policy, and the revised version will be made available on our websites. If substantial alterations are made to the Policy or how we handle personal information, rest assured, we'll inform you. This could involve prominently displaying a notice of these changes on our sites before they become effective or directly sending you a notification.

We encourage you to make it a habit to periodically revisit this Privacy Policy, staying informed about any alterations made since your last visit. This proactive approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of your relationship with us, encompassing the manner in which we process your personal information.

10. How to contact us

If you have questions, comments, or complaints about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, or if you would like to exercise your rights and choices, please email us at

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