Trust is suitable for any kind of legal and financial activity such as Accountant, Consultant, Consulting, Counselor. Trust comes with necessary features for law firm websites such as about pages, Testimonials, Clients, questions & answers, gallery, practice areas, attorneys & single attorney profiles, awesome blog pages, and +120 awesome blocks and options. This Drupal Theme can easily satisfy all of your needs.
- Drupal theme
- Demo Data Included
- HTML Files Included
- Built based on Bootstrap v3.x
- Fully Responsive & Retina Ready
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Awesome, Unique & Modern Design
- Unique effects and functionality
- Smooth transition effects
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Well commented code
- Parallax effect
- Font Awesome Icons
- Google Web Font
- +90 HTML Pages Included
- +10 Homepages ( More coming in updates )
- +120 awesome blocks and options
- Commerce Drupal
- Awesome Portfolio Pages
- Blog/ News Pages included
- Flexible & Multipurpose
- +14 Sliders, +14 Headers, +10 Page Titles, +9 Footers
- Typography Elements