Transport - Logistic & Warehouse WordPress Theme
ID: 12054479
Category : Corporate
  • courier
  • delivery company
  • logistic service
  • logistics
  • relocation services
  • service
  • shipment
  • shipping company
  • transport
  • transport cargo
  • transport company
  • transportation
  • trucking
  • warehouse
  • Fast Installation & Loading Speed Transport
  • Premium Plugins Bundle & Tons of Features
  • Transport & Logistic Warehouse WP Theme

Logistic & Warehouse WordPress Theme

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Transport Logistic & Warehouse WordPress Theme

Transport, Logistic & Warehouse WordPress Theme | Transport presents one of the Best Premium Transportation and Logistic Theme. It penetrates your customers’ minds and ensures the fulfillment of their needs. Your classy website surely displays your business’s entire services & products with Transport. Moreover, it is easy to install and use with our welled documentation and top notch service team. Let’s see why you will be excited with Transport.

Multiple Homepages for Different Service Areas

09+ Dynamic homepages for all kinds of transportation & logistic services: cargo, sea and air delivery, storage/ warehouse, packaging,ground shipping, etc. Worth minding is, all these demos can be imported with just one click only.

Transport Logistic and Warehouse WordPress Theme - 9 Homepages

Multitude of Premium Plugins for Page Building

Needless to say, users who have been building WordPress sites for a while are very familiar with these premium plugins: WPBakery Page Builder, Templatera, Essential Grid, Slider Revolution. For new users, you just need to know that this is the most powerful combination concerning site building tools. Purchase Transport and experience for yourself.

Transport Logistic and Warehouse WordPress Theme - Premium Plugins

A Theme with Innumerable Possibilities and Options

OK, so the big questions is always the first that comes into any user’s’ mind when they consider purchasing a theme: What can I do with this? For your reference, below are some ways you can work with Transport suggested by our professionals.

Transport Logistic and Warehouse WordPress Theme - Premium Options

Theme Features Overview in a Few Words

To put it simple, Transport is not just an ordinary theme that you can find just by typing the keyword “transport” or “transportation services”. There is a long list of reasons why it stands FIRST in the search results page of search engines. Explore now!

Transport Logistic and Warehouse WordPress Theme - Theme Features

Retina Ready and Responsive on All Devices

Your site’s beautiful design and outstanding elements will stay the same all the time, even when your visitors change their devices to a laptop, desktop, smartphone or tablet. The display is reserved at Retina HD quality and high responsiveness.

Transport Logistic and Warehouse WordPress Theme - Fully Responsive & Retina Ready

Extra Efficient Theme Features

The great deal of authors on ThemeForest claim to provide similar features to those of this theme, however, the quality of services might differ greatly. That we can guarantee, as a Power Elite Author, your satisfaction is our prime concern and at the same time, our ultimate goal.

Transport Logistic and Warehouse WordPress Theme - Fully Responsive & Retina Ready

Find changelog here:

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Transport – Transport, Logistic & Warehouse WP | Overall Features

  • Bundled plugins:$64 Saved – WPBakery Page Builder
  • Bundled plugins: $29 Saved – Slider Revolution
  • Bundled plugins: $34 Saved – Essential Grid Plugin
  • Bundled plugins: $13 – Templatera Plugin
  • Blazing fast loading speed
  • Two layout options: Boxed & Full-width
  • Three post layout options: Full width, Content-Sidebar or Sidebar-Content
  • Two blog options: Modern Blog Layout & Classic Blog Layout
  • Two project options: Boxed Project Layout & Full-width Project Layout
  • One-click sample data
  • Live Customizer
  • Unlimited colors
  • Responsive & Retina
  • Sticky header
  • 600+ Google fonts
  • WPML supported
  • Font Awesome icons
  • Bootstrap 3.x based
  • Smooth CSS3 animation and parallax sections
  • WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, Envato WordPress Toolkit, Projects by Wootheme, Testimonials by Wootheme and Widget Logic supported
  • Cross browsers compatibility: Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the theme and NOT included in the final purchase files.

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