Version 2.1.3 is out – JUN 2023– Check the changelog.
WordPress 6+ Compatible
WooCommerce 7.7 + Compatible
Demos .Xd files Included for free.
Gutenberg Optimized
Elementor Page Builder Compatible
Dokan Multivendor Marketplace Compatible
WC Vendors Compatible
WCFM Marketplace Compatible
Teta is the WordPress e-commerce renovated theme, is next-gen WordPress e-commerce, highly featured, light-weighted & best-looking theme. Fully compatible with wooCommerce and Elementor that helps you to implement your e-commerce website in the shortest time. Teta readymade shops that beautifully designed shop homepages with a purposeful approach, ready to import and make your online shop at a glance. With Teta making you able to do more, easier than before is the main concept in designing Teta . from the very early stages. We made sure to have the best shop page capabilities through all the themes available in the market and make it easy to pick the best, fitting your desires. Teta with Kite header & footer builder exclusively made to bring all the Elementor features and more than that to your header and footer design possibilities.
1. Added: Social login options for Facebook –
2. Added: Social login options for Google –
1. Added: Social login options for Microsoft –
3. Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.7
4. FIXED: Fatal error on websites without Elementor
5. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. IMPROVED: Page Meta Box in Elementor Editor functionality.
02. FIXED: Countdown timer not displaying on products that are not on sale
03. FIXED: Filter problem on mobile devices in Shop page
04. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
1. ADDED: Add to cart button Elementor widget.
2. IMPROVED: checkout and my account pages Style
3. IMPROVED: Social Login Style
4. FIXED: Header and footer not showing in multilanguage sites built with Polylnag
5. FIXED: Wrong post media size on the blog archive page
6. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
1. IMPROVED: Improved compatiblity with Elementor new version
2. IMPROVED: Compatibility check with Woocommerce 7.4.1
3. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
1. ADDED: New blog style
2. IMPROVED: Compatibility check with woocommerce 7.4
3. FIXED: PHP 8.1 Compatility issue
4. FIXED: remove deprecated hook Elementor notice
5. REMOVED: Unneeded compare template
6. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
1. ADDED: Product title for recently viewed products
2. IMPROVED: Typewriter widget
3. FIXED: Color picker issue in dashboard widgets page
4. FIXED: Elementor Deprecated notice
5. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: Title color option for “woocommerce advanced layer” widget
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 7.3.0 compatibility check
03. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: New option in theme setting for Expandable filter style “Always open”
01. ADDED: New option in theme setting for Enable/Disable Show More button in woocommerce widgets.
03. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: New Demo Electronics store 1 –
02. ADDED: New Demo Electronics store 2 –
02. ADDED: New Demo Electronics store 3 –
04. IMPROVED: Search functionality uses the “Out of stock visibility” option in woocomerce setting to show the out-of-stock product in the search result.
05. FIXED: Boxed Item dependency issue in mega menu
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. IMPROVED: Work woocoemrce elements with “Out of stock visibility” option in woocomerce setting
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 7.1.0 compatibility check
03. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: typewriter widget
02. IMPROVED: Ajax products tab widget – Vertical tab Style
03. IMPROVED: Ajax products tab widget – Tab and subtitle option
04. FIXED: Preloader RTL logo issue in responsive
05. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. FIXED: RTL Drop Down issue for the first item
02. FIXED: load icons issue in previous version
01. FIXED: Change menu label for better UX
02. FIXED: Remove product availability progressBar in grouped products
03. FIXED: PHP notice warning in 404 and archive pages
04. FIXED: Single product page – Sticky Gallery style issue in some cases
05. FIXED: crop image issue in mega menu
06. FIXED: 404 image not showing
07. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: Add fixed sidbar option for blog and blog pages
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.9+ compatibility check
03. IMPROVED: Dynamic container size slider has 5px step now, to have better UX ( option in theme setting )
04. FIXED: Hide promobar and popup newsletter in comming soon page
05. FIXED: update RTL Mega menu styles
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.8 compatibility check
02. IMPROVED: Mega menu style and functionality
03. ADDED: Fullwidth option for menu dropdown
04. ADDED: “Always Open” option for toggle menu
05. ADDED: Boxed item feature for mega menu
06. ADDED: background color feature for mega menu
07. ADDED: fade-in animation for blog element
08. FIXED: load relevant header and footer in multi-language sites
09. FIXED: Carousel not showing in Elementor editor
10. FIXED: image size issue in shop archive pages
11. FIXED: PHP 8 compatibility issue
12. FIXED: load light-gallery library when required
01. ADDED: option to display offcanvas Menu style from left or right
02. IMPROVED: Sanitize input data from menu options to improve security
03. FIXED: Carousel issue while dragging
04. FIXED: Breadcrumb style issue in responsive devices
05. FIXED: Style issue in the product description
06. FIXED: Topbar shop widgets don’t work properly in PHP 8
07. FIXED: Stock availability progress bar issue on product cards
08. FIXED: Update theme settings panel
09. FIXED: Improve RTL style
10. FIXED: Woocommerce notice style issue in my account page
11. FIXED: Undefined progress bar function
12. FIXED: Extra space in mobile when using built-in headers
13. FIXED: Improve checkout form login style
14. FIXED: Countdown timer not working properly on product cards
15. FIXED: Inline styles loading issue
16. FIXED: TAX color in checkout page style issue
17. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: Add option to enable or disable rating in products widget
02. ADDED: Add option to disable redux template library
03. IMPROVED: Disable quantity change in mini cart when stock quantity is only one
04. IMPROVED: Banner widget and fix bugs related to it
05. FIXED: Countdown timer is not working on product cards
06. FIXED: blog style issue in responsive
07. FIXED: Remove row overlay and fix bug related to it
08. FIXED: Better escaping categories description
09. FIXED: Change navigation label to menu
10. FIXED: Quick view style not loading
11. FIXED: Top shop widgets doesn’t work properly
12. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. FIXED: metaboxes could not save in database after last update
02. FIXED: minor css style issue
01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.6.0 compatibility check
02. FIXED: Skip skeleton style in elementor editor page
03. FIXED: Image size issue when using skeleton style
04. FIXED: Instagram images not showing in some cases
05. FIXED: sShop page bg issue fixed
06. FIXED: Mobile column issue for woocommerce products fixed
01. IMPROVED: Compatibility with our new core plugin
02. IMPROVED: compatibility with elementor pro theme builder
03. FIXED: cart badge color issue fixed
04. FIXED: product image size issue
05. FIXED: counterbox, piechart, animated text and lookbook popup reveal widget style not working well when setting to load style when required
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: Product card skeleton style in shop pages
02. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.5.1 compatibility check
03. IMPROVED: Instagram functionality
04. IMPROVED: Improve loader style in shop
05. IMPROVED: change Code for better perfomance and speed in shop page
06. FIXED: Product image not showing in single product image
07. FIXED: Product skeleton style issue in dark styles
08. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. FIXED: Product cart styles on archive page
02. FIXED: Shop extended categories header
03. FIXED: Shop filter widgets when “Load Js when required” option is Enable
04. FIXED: Shop filter widgets when “Load Js when required” option is Enable
05. FIXED: Shop pagination when “Load Js when required” option is Enable
01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.3 compatibility check
02. ADDED: New Demo Electronics Tiles 2 –
03. IMPROVED: RTL styles
04. FIXED: Quick view styles not loading when set to load all styles
05. FIXED: Instant shop shop 2 column style in mobile
06. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. FIXED: Reorder variable images in single product page
02. FIXED: Compare button issue in responsive
03. FIXED: load products style in cart page and wcmp vendor page when set to load style when it’s required
03. FIXED: Escape woocommerce sidebar in wcmp vendors page
01. IMPROVED: RTL style in admin pages
02. FIXED: Cookies bar not showing
03. FIXED: Newsletter not showing issue
04. FIXED: child theme style issue after upgrading to our new major release
05. FIXED: unexpected automatic scroll in shop pages in some cases
06. REMOVED: unneeded featured column in posts, pages and products tabel
01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.2 compatibility check
02. FIXED: Some CSS issue regarding newsletter element
03. FIXED: Some RTL issues
04. FIXED: Child theme dependency issue fixed
05. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: New Demo Electronics Tiles –
02. UPDATED: Kt pro tools 1.6
03. IMPROVED: Compatibility with wcmp plugin
04. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce notice restyle
02. FIXED: loader animation style issue
03. FIXED: Tablet and mobile woocommerce products widgets style issue
04. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 6.1.0 compatibility check
02. PERFORMANCE: Advanced CSS loading For every page – Split CSS option on theme setting
03. ADDED: header and footer builder included in the lite pack
04. Fixed: Product gallery carousel autoplay issue
05. Fixed: Woocommerce placeholder image not showing in some cases
06. Fixed: Bad load style while loading products in 2column in responsive
07. Fixed: loader style issue fixed
08. Fixed: Double filters in responsive devices bug
09. Fixed: Sticky header style
10 Fixed: facebook share button not showing the image inside facebook profile
11. Fixed: XSS issue in search element
12. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: New Demo fashion store –
02. PERFORMANCE: Remove prettyPhoto dependency from yith wcwl scripts
03. FIXED: Bad load style in mobile for 2column products widget
04. FIXED: Favicon not showing in lite pack
05. FIXED: Badge option in products widget doesn’t work properly when product style is info on hover
06. FIXED: Display price of product variations with and without tax on shop page
07. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
01. ADDED: New Demo kids Store –
02. PERFORMANCE: load minify version of icomoon
03. PERFORMANCE: add option to disable wc block styles
04. IMPROVED: Add border to color variations so that white color variation show better
05. FIXED: woocommerce notice error style issue on single product
06. FIXED: dokan style issue
07. FIXED: Vendor page in wc marketplace plugin not showing
01. PERFORMANCE: Advanced JS loading For every page – Split Js option on theme setting
02. FIXED: Single product page sold individually option
03. FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
1. FIXED: wishlist issue in product cards
2. FIXED: popup newsletter issue
3. FIXED: replace .help urls with .co/support
1. IMPROVED: Woocommerce 5.9 compatibility check
2. PERFORMANCE: Add option to Disable Emoji Scripts
3. PERFORMANCE: Add option to Disable Disable Gutenberg Styles
4. PERFORMANCE: Add option to Disable Yith Dependent Scripts
5. PERFORMANCE: Add option to Disable Elementor Font Awesome
6. FIXED: Custom fonts issue on Elementor pro
7. FIXED: Countdown timer shows when sale date not arrived yet
1. PERFORMANCE: Add option to select google font display type
2. PERFORMANCE: Add page metabox to load the custom page for mobile
3. PERFORMANCE: Improve banner code to include srcset in images
1. ADDED: RTL demo Dummy data
2. Fixed: undefined variable php notice
3. Fixed: Widgetized footer fullscreen issue
1. FIXED: Product carousel columns in tablet
2. FIXED: RTL css issues in responsive devices
1. ADDED: New Demo – RTL –
2. ADDED: New Demo – Electronics –
4. THEME SETTINGS: Add fullwidth/container layout option
5. PERFORMANCE: page load not wait for all JS file load
6. IMPROVED: change width of variation dropdown to fit all contents
7. FIXED: Buy now button issue fixed for simple products
8. FIXED: Prevent jump while stretching the sections
9. FIXED: Double click issue on some product cards