Air is a lightweight portfolio responsive HTML5 template for professional creative. It is a clean and minimal style theme with lightweight and smooth user experience.
The Air is a creative responsive portfolio theme for the professional creative. It’s easy to use and concentrates on showcasing your work to potential clients and employers with interesting interactions.
We do many coding works to make the interaction more smooth, lightweight and polished, for all the details, for the perfect user experience.
v1.2.3 1/13/2023
[fix] fullwidth issue of Gallery-on-left/right
- /js/custom.theme.js
v1.2.2 4/2/2022
[fix] placeholder images URL
v1.2.1 12/4/2021
[fix] Cursor issue on project-item-slider.html
v1.2 7/27/2021
[update] jQuery 3.6
v1.1.10 7/25/2021
[fix] Portfolio columns on the iPhone landscape mode
v1.1.9 11/30/2019
[fix] Gallery on left/right
- /js/custom.theme.js
v1.1.8 3/4/2019
[fix] Gallery slider on mobile portrait mode
- /css/style.css
- /js/custom.theme.js
v1.1.7 21/3/2018
[fix] Outer wrap overflow hidden
- /css/style.css
[fix] About/Contact page "Home" menu item
- page-about.html
- page-contact.html
v1.1.6 21/12/2017
[fix] Background clip text css complicate on Firefox
- /css/style.css
- /js/main.min.js
[improve] Click filter to scroll current viewpoint automatically
- /js/custom.theme.js
v1.1.5 20/10/2017
[fix] Video can not be closed in lightbox
- /js/custom.theme.js
[fix] Hot area issue of 2 Cols layout Gallery on tablet
- /css/style.css
- /project-item-2cols-gallery-left-filled.html
- /project-item-2cols-gallery-right-filled.html
- /project-item-2cols-gallery-right.html
v1.1.4 27/6/2017
[fix] Single slider gallery post mobile issue
- /js/custom.theme.js
- /css/style.css
v1.1.3 31/5/2017
[fix] disable sticky column on the mobile device
- /js/custom.theme.js
v1.1.2 17/5/2017
[fix] Dark skin issue
- home9.html
- /css/dark-skin.css
v1.1.1 6/3/2017
[fix] IE11/10 JavaScript issue
- /js/custom.theme.js
v1.1 23/1/2017
[fix] IE9 issue
- /css/style.css
ART HTML5 template