OCLMS - OpenCart Learning Management System
ID: 38060091
Category : eCommerce
  • academy
  • classes
  • college
  • course
  • courses
  • e-learning
  • education opencart theme
  • learning management system
  • lms
  • oclms
  • school
  • teacher
  • teaching
  • training
  • university
  • First OpenCart LMS theme with certificate
  • Online Education, LMS for Online School
  • Zoom live class, Online training

OCLMS – OpenCart Learning Management System is first OpenCart online education theme that help School, College, Academy, University, Kindergarten and etc. to put their online courses beside or without products in this theme.

Admin Panel: https://retrina.com/oclms/oclms/admin/

Username: demo
Password: demo

OCLMS video tutorial OCLMS read documentation
oclms certificate

oclms zoom live class

oclms features oclms student features oclms instructor features oclms admin features OpenCart payment gateways

Additional payment methods can be downloaded from the OpenCart Extension Directory.

Zoom Live Class

oclms zoom live class


oclms certificate



In OCLMS we all Features provided for Students to have a good experience with website. Individual account to check Courses, taking exam, check result of exams, complete homework, edit account, check orders history, message instructors and more features that came below.


  • View courses, products, exams and homework separately.
  • Add or edit account, password, address book and … .
  • Wishlist to add courses or products before decision to buy.
  • View order history list on orders separately to check or reorder again.
  • Message page to chat or send text to instructors about course, exam or homework.
  • Collect reward points to improve customer group or use it to buy course and product.
  • Subscribe or unsubscribe newsletter to notify new events, updates, news or … .


  • View Course Level (beginner, intermediate, advanced or … ).
  • View Number of Sections and Lessons and type of lessons like video, PDF, image and … .
  • Description and specifications of course to read carefully about or compare with similar courses.
  • Show Video lessons and duration, Exams and homework.
  • About Instructor with description and contact points.
  • See other users review about the course or product and write review and rate it.
  • View related courses or products to complete or increase skills.
  • Add course or product to wishlist for future decisions or compare multiple courses or products.

Exam and Homework

  • View all exams that putted in courses or define separately.
  • Professional Exam page with guide description and Timer.
  • Report page for exams with score and number of right and wrong answers.
  • Key answer table to check wrong, right ad empty answers and big exams.
  • Description answer sheets with difficulty of question, questions and choices.
  • Print Page to print Questions and Answers separately or together.
  • Report page to report instructor about wrong questions or any problems in exam.
  • View all homework that putted in courses or define separately..
  • View homework title, description and deadline, then write answer description and sent all attachment files.


  • Check Events in different categories to find best related event.
  • View latest and most popular events to choose.
  • View location and date of events to make a plan.
  • Use Search box and tags for events to fid better.

Other Student features

  • Easy OpenCart Checkout.
  • Coupon code and gift Card.
  • Student Can Request to become an Instructor.
  • Visit instructor page and view list of courses and products.

Instructor Panel

In OCLMS we provide a professional panel for Instructors to manage their students, Courses, Products, Sales and orders, chat with students and … . You can read about OCLMS instructor Features below.


  • Check Total Customers or Students that enrolled in a course or purchased products.
  • Total Orders count and Total Sales price.
  • Sale Analytics by Orders and Customers.
  • Orders base on Location on Map to manage marketing strategies.
  • Latest Orders List to manage last enrolled students or purchased products.
  • Check and Answer Students Messages or online chat with them.
  • Check Transactions And Commissions and Income.

Course and Product

  • Course and product list to check and add products, course and quizzes
  • Add sections for Courses and add lessons for sections
  • Question bank with multileveled category, import question with Excel and set difficulty level.
  • Exam list and exam with Single questions or PDF files with setting duration, negative points, start and end time and … .
  • Homework list with description and course title. And student homework report.
  • Add Different types of Lessons like text, video, PDF, document and image.
  • Youtube, Vimeo and local Videos can be putted in lesson.
  • SEO fields for SEO URL and Important SEO Meta tags like meta title, meta description, meta keywords.

Question Bank

  • Define Questions by Category and Sub categories.
  • Add Question and Answers by Text and Image.
  • Set Type of Question and Difficulty Level like beginner, intermediate or advance.
  • Import List of Questions by Level.
  • Filter Questions by Category, Level and Type.

Exam and Homework

  • List of Exams with report, edit, print and delete buttons and Add New Exam.
  • Exam Report list of students and check each student separately.
  • Print Exam Questions and Answers separate or together.
  • Homework list with description and course title. And student homework report.
  • list of all students that finished and sent a homework.

Admin Panel

In OpenCart admin panel you will have a professional Dashboard, OpenCart is The best FREE and open-source eCommerce platform with Powerful Store Management, SEO, Easy manage products, customers, orders, taxes rules, coupon codes and more. You can read about OpenCart and OCLMS Features below.


  • Check Total Customers or Students that enrolled in a course or purchased products.
  • Total Orders count and Total Sales price.
  • Sale Analytics by Orders and Customers.
  • Orders base on Location on Map to manage marketing strategies.
  • Recent Users Activity log to check users and customers.
  • Latest Orders List to manage last enrolled students or purchased products.


  • Multi Level Categories to define main and sub categories.
  • Course and Product list with professional filter to manage different type of courses and products.
  • Add, Edit & Remove Products, Courses and Quizzes.
  • Set Recurring Profiles for users that want have a payment plan.
  • Attributes and Attributes group to manage features for compare multiple courses or products.
  • Set Filters to help users easily find the desired course or product.
  • Instructor or Brand list to add, edit or remove them easily.
  • Check Students or Customers Review before activated in website and activate those who have followed the rules.
  • Information Pages list to Add, Edit or remove About us, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and all info pages.


OCLMS has a Dedicated Dashboard to make it easy for admin to manage or check:

  • Instructors, Students, Exams, Products, Questions and Courses.
  • PHP Version, Register Globals, Magic Quotes GPC, File Uploads and Session Auto Start.
  • Database, GD, cURL, OpenSSL, ZLIB and ZIP.
  • FAQ to find answer of questions that may occur.
  • Version Change-logs to find new updates and fixed issues.
  • Setting for enable or disable OCLMS module.
  • Manage to Approve Instructors and Courses Automatic or no.
  • Switch Contact chat between Students and Instructors Enable or Disable.
  • Show Instructors name in Course cart On website.
  • Manage Product page tabs and Items.
  • Enable or Disable Commission and add commission to instructors sales.
  • Easy Demo import to switch between demos and check preview of each demos.
  • All required modules and install, edit or remove them easily.
  • Watch all Tutorial videos list directly in admin panel.

Next to dashboard other features is:

  • List of Students and their enrolled curses, Exams and Homework with edit forms.
  • List of Instructors with edit forms and their income and transactions.
  • Income list of instructors with commission payments ad remain payment.
  • Question Bank with multileveled category, Import Question with Excel and set difficulty level.
  • Exam list and exam with Single questions or PDF files with setting duration, Negative points, Start and end time and … .
  • Homework list with description and course title.
  • File Manager to manage folders, files, videos, images and …


  • Events category to list events per city, country or subjects.
  • Events list to check same of event with date and location.
  • Set name, description, date, location, tags and related courses or products for event.

OpenCart Marketing

  • Create Marketing Campaign link to track clicks by campaigns.
  • Create Coupon codes For Special deals and discounts.
  • Sending Email by adding email template to Group of Students or Subscribers.
  • Google Shopping For Products.
  • Gift Vouchers with Customize Themes.


  • Check Students or Customers Activity in website by start and end date.
  • Check Students or Customers Orders by order status and start and end date.
  • Students or Customers reward points.
  • Check Search report by Student or keyword and start and end date.
  • Tax, Shipping and return or refund report.
  • Sales per days, weeks, months and years, order status and start and end date.
  • Used Coupons Report
  • Course or products viewed and percent per total view.
  • Purchased products or courses by quantity and start and end date.
  • Statistics List of order statuses, returns, pending reviews and … .


This Module provides certificate to OCLMS (OpenCart Learning Management System) course students. Students are required to complete 100% course progress to generate certificate. OCLMS Certificate can be downloaded or showed online elsewhere for verification through a public url.

Other Options

  • Orders or Enrolled courses And check Return or refund requests.
  • List and Group Students or Customers by rank, Type, Class to give them specific features.
  • Custom Fields to easily add an input, select, radio box or … to customer list to ask people fill them.
  • Group users with different accessibility of using admin panel
  • Set localisation like multi currency, multi language, country, zone, tax, address formats and … .

Change log

Version – 1 May 2023

- Added: Easy Install

Version – 1 December 2022

- Added: Product Customization in Product, Course and Quiz Form in Admin and Instructor Panel.
- Added: Permission Automaticly During Install OCLMS
- Updated: Message Page For Sending Files
- Updated: File Manager For Upload zip,mp4 Files
- Updated: Date Time to Datetimepicker
- Fixed: Instructors Order Products

Version – 20 October 2022

- Added: RTL (Arabic) Version
- Added: Enroll class directly
- Added: Search and pagination for messages
- Updated: Message page design

Version 1.1.0 – 14 September 2022

- Added: Zoom Live Class Module
- Added: Mp4 file manger for course preview and video lessons for HTML5 videos
- Fixed: Order detailes in instructor dashboard
- Fixed: Product permission in instructor panel

Version – 5 September 2022

Themes :
- Added: One Instructor demo
- Added: Beauty demo
- Fixed: Become an Instructor button
- Fixed: Student Account
- Added: Certificate Module
- Updated: Instructor admin panel
- Fixed: Customer panel grids

Version 1.0.1 – 12 July 2022

Themes :
- Updated: Simplifying theme installation
- Fixed: Html content in import demo
- Updated: Simplifying module installation
- Updated: Create professional Oclms dashboard for adminstrator
- Fixed: Event page issue

Version 1.0.0 – 3 June 2022

Initial Release
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