Noo – Glitchy Experimental One-Page Template
ID: 19363587
Category : Creative
  • animated
  • colours
  • eslint
  • glitch
  • gulp
  • material
  • materialize
  • modals
  • monospace
  • motion
  • parallax
  • postcss
  • pug
  • scss
  • slider
  • Parallax items
  • Ten pre-made skins
  • Unique animated background

With Noo you have the real chance to stand out from the crowd. Beautiful animated glitches accompanied by minimalistic style and monospace font provide a real chic look for this theme.

A list of features includes:

  • Powered by Materialize framework based on Material Design guidelines
  • Beautiful minimalistic style and amazing glitchy background animations
  • Ten pre-made skins
  • Block-based grid
  • Easy to use parallax
  • Gorgeous typography featuring monospace Ubuntu Mono font
  • Super responsive – crazy attention to the detail for small and medium size screens (also tested on real iOS and Android devices and various OSes on desktop devices)
  • Awesome technologies used, such as:
    • Sass
    • Pug (formerly known as Jade)
    • PHPMailer
    • Package managers: npm and bower
    • Code quality tools: ESLint and SCSS lint
    • Gulp and very useful commands to compile Sass and Pug, minify css files using PostCSS and even minify and optimise the images
  • 100% W3C valid code
  • Well commented code, easy to customise for anyone
  • Documentation Wiki on Github and in PDF format

Note: images are not included in the download and are meant for demo only.


Version 1.0

Initial release
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