First of all, thank you for your interest in our product. Nayla is designed and developed for creative individuals of all kinds, allowing you to create personal portfolios, agency portfolios, one-page websites, and even corporate/business websites.
We have plans to expand Nayla with new demos and features over the next year. As a result, this template will receive regular updates. If you choose to customize the core files such as style.css and scripts.js, we recommend making changes to external files. This way, you won’t lose your progress when the template is updated.
*Designs that showed above may change when the update is released.
1- Images and videos in demo pages, are not included with your purchase from Themeforest.
2- This template includes only HTML5 design pages there’s no PHP files included.
3- The template files must be viewed in a live server for using AJAX transitions.
4- Please keep in mind; As informed at #3 for AJAX transitions a live server is needed because of that after you downloaded the item you’ll see that url on the linked items: ‘http://localhost/nayla/....' you need to change this URL’s with yours (this is necessary for AJAX transitions).
v1.1 [17/06/2023] Showcase Carousel responsive UX adjustments. Autoplay videos on mobile bugs fixed. Fullscreen carousel fraction bug fixed. Fullscreen carousel HTML structure changes. Showcase wall mobile view redesigned. Showcase Interactive Grid mobile view redesigned. Showcase Interactive Grid close button added. Videos autoplay bug during page transitions fixed. Fullscreen Slideshow responsive design adjustments. Fullscreen Slideshow fraction bug fixed. Fullscreen Wall mobile view redesigned. Infinite Grid responsive design adjustments and minor bug fixes. Item description updated. Item preview image updated. Overall responsive design adjustments. Minor bug fixes.
v1.0 Release