Nafie is a combination of good design, quality code and attention for details. It is suitable as a resume website, personal CV, or creative Portfolio. It is ideal for professional persons. Perfect for showing your skills, experience, works and expertise. If you are looking for high-quality and simple resume template for your personal or commercial works, Nafie ideal for you.
07/03/2023 - Replace JS module files with a compiled JS bundle file.
07/02/2023 - Remove VueJS/Bootstrap and just use HTML/JavaScript only. - General enhancements.
07/03/2022 - Added: Parallax Animations on page scrolling. - Updated: Preloader Screen. - Updated: Back Top Scroll Indicator. - General enhancements.
15/11/2021 - Convert the language switcher from a button to a dropdown. - Bootstrap CSS separated from CSS Libraries file.
29/10/2021 - Updated: color scheme to use CSS variables and HSL functions. - Updated: fonts to use CSS variables.
04/10/2021 - General enhancements. - Added: Single Portfolio Page. - Added: Archive Portfolio Page. - Added: 404 Page.
15/04/2021 - Enhancements: Show the message 'No more works' to the user if there is no more works in the portfolio.
12/04/2021 - Enhancements: Added the functionality to load more works in Portfolio section.