Meto - Financial Blog - Designed for Investors, Traders and Economists
ID: 21112301
Category : Blog / Magazine
  • adsense
  • affiliate
  • analysis
  • capital
  • economist
  • etf
  • finance
  • forex
  • fund
  • investor
  • professional
  • seo
  • stock
  • trader
  • clean
  • Adsense Blog
  • Adsense WordPress Theme
  • Professional Finance Blog & Magazine

A Letter from Author

Dear Customers :

Meto is a Professional & Clean Financial Blog & Magazine Theme for Investors, Traders and Economists. We have added many professional financial features like Stock Portfolio & ETF Channel & Contact Us & Selling E-Book & Donate Coffee and so on. Meto is best AD Optimized for Adsense & Affiliate. Meto Ads System contains four types of ads:Html Code, Image Link Ads, Slider Ads, A/B Split Ads to fit for nearly all the Ads need. There are 30+ ad placements for Unlimited Adsense & Affiliate.

As a professional investor or trader, you can show your Stock Portfolio and we have graph to demonstrate your Stock Portfolio Income History. This could help your fans know how best and professional you are as a investor or trader.

At ETF Channel you can recommend some ETFs to visitors in order to attract more readers to your Blog or Magazine.

There is a Donate Coffee place at the end of every single post. Your fans can support you by donating you a cup of coffee so that you can make your blog or magazine better !

As a professional Investor or trader, you must have lots of experience and words to say. Why not write a E-Book? Meto supports for Easy Digital Download to help you sell your E-Book online at your Blog or Magazine !

Meto contains 30+ ADs places for your Adsense and Affiliate Ads.

We also flawlessly optimized SEO for Meto : meta tags, perfect page speed, perfect on-page SEO, SEO plugins collection, clean code, responsive design…… We know that SEO is very important for a blog/magazine theme. We hope to skyrocket your rank in Google.

Meto is also featured with Fast Loading Speed. We have optimized the code of Meto and collected some speeding up plugins to make your website load very fast. Meto has A grade at PINGDOM !

It is Time to Dig Gold with METO !!!















Main Features

  • (NEW) Video Background Slider
  • (NEW) 3D Book Slider
  • (NEW) AD Block Detector
  • (NEW) Support for AMP
  • (NEW) Gutenberg Optimized
  • (NEW) Support for Elementor
  • Super Minimal & Elegant Design
  • 2 Blog & 1 Magazine Layouts
  • Stock Portfolio Page Template
  • ETF Channel Page Template
  • Contact us Page Template
  • Stock Ticker at Top Area
  • Designed for Investor, Trader and Economist
  • Make Money Online with Nasdaq
  • Best AD Optimized
  • Best SEO Optimized – set your website SEO details using Zaker Default SEO Field
  • Fast Loading Speed
  • Collections of Popular SEO Plugins
  • Collections of Popular Speeding Up Plugins
  • 2 Minimal Header Styles and New One is Coming Soon
  • 3 Minimal Top Featured Sliders and New One is Coming Soon
  • Retina is Ready
  • Extensive Documentation & Support Forums
  • 100% responsive design – fit for all devices
  • Complete blog system (all post formats supported : Gallery, Aside, Quote, Link, Image, Video, Audio, Standard)
  • Lifetime Update
  • Child Theme Support
  • Support For Contact Form 7
  • Major Browser Compatibility
  • Super Theme Options powered by ReduxFramework is quite simple and easy to use- a super option framework
  • Share posts & photos with Popular Social Media
  • Mailchimp for WordPress newsletter form, custom styled, ready to collect some e-mails
  • Sticky Header
  • Sidebar Ready
  • built-in ads
  • 3 Type of Ads : Html Code, Image Ads, Slider Ads
  • Powerfull Live Customizer lets you design your blog
  • Built-in beautifully styled Related Posts Module
  • Built-in beautifully styled About Author Module


  • Some Icons made by Nikita Golubev
  • Some Icons made by Freepik
  • shutterstock for images
  • unsplash for images

V3.0.0 – June 26, 2023

Improve : Full Screen Design
Improve : Design Details
Fix: Some Little Errors

V1.7.0 – May 17, 2021

Update : Footer Instagram

V1.6.0 – March 15, 2021

NEW : Two Stock Tickers
NEW: Stock Graph
NEW: Support for Bitcoin
NEW: Support for Stock & BTC List

V1.5.0 – August 4, 2020

Fix : Instagram Footer

V1.2.2 – May 14, 2019

New : Video Background Slider
New : 3D Book Slider

V1.2.1 – April 22, 2019

New : AD Block Detector

V1.2.0 – December 14, 2018

Optimized : Quote Area
Optimized : About Author Area
Optimized : Mobile Responsive
Optimized : Loading Speed
Optimized : Top Featured Area
Optimized : Blot List

V1.1.0 – August 6, 2018

New : 3 New Blog Layouts
New : 2 New Blog Sliders

V1.0.2 – May 22, 2018

New : Blog Center Layout
Fix : Top Featured Area Ads
Fix : Page Layout
Fix : Page Ads

V1.0.1 – March 29, 2018

Improve : Meto Document
Improve : Demo Data
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