Build a successful Life Coach website including testimonials, events calendar, team members, podcast, videos and e-commerce!
It’s a fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 template based on the Material Design guidelines to guarantee the maximum usability and accessibility.
This powerful Life Coaching WordPress Theme features tons of flexible and interactive elements such as slideshow, carousels, testimonial slideshows, podcasts, and much more.
With the WordPress customizer you can change the colors easily using the 10 color pickers, and your font choice relies on 600+ Google fonts, assignable to 4 different font pickers for contents, captions, menus and bold texts.
Sidebar and footer are widgetized, plus you can choose between many page options such as sidebar or full width, footer and header background, header transparency, featured image height and more.
Easily upload your logo in footer and header, or leave it blank for a simple website name.
The pages counts 8+ page templates, which you can use to create archives, Visual Composer page, pages with sidebars, contacts page and more.
Add events easily including event date, venue name and directions, external links and unlimited “buy” links. The theme is totally integrated with the events system allowing you to add events slideshows and carousels via shortcode or visual composer to any page.
A beautiful and stylish events widget is also included. All events are automatically ordered by event date, and you can hide or show the past events globally with the Customizer options. Events are also integrated with the bundled plugin QT Places which allows you to create beautiful event maps.With the Visual Composer or shortcodes, you can add your testimonial on any page or post, and filter them using the dedicated Testimonial Category.
A custom Video Post type, created by the Videolove plugin bundled with the “Life Coach WordPress Theme”, allows you to create beautiful Video galleries, filterable by the dedicated Video Category taxonomy.
You can add videos on any page using the related shortcode or Visual Composer element, and customize its appearance with specific options.
== Changelog == 3.0.0 [2023 January 24] [x] Support for LearnPress 4.2.0 2.5.0 [2022 October 04] [x] functions.php update for PHP 8.0 2.3.8 [2022 July 18] [x] Plugins udpated [x] WordPress 6 udpates 2.3.7 [2022 January 26] [x] Plugins udpated 2.3.6 [2021 August 07] [x] Theme Core update for WP 5.8 2.3.5 [2021 June 28] [x] vc_row.php check on array format 2.3.4 [2021 June 28] [x] Theme Core plugin update [x] Fixed compatibility requirements for WordPress 5.7.2 2.3.3 [2021 April 01] [x] WPBakery update [x] Team members linkeding update double fix issue 2.3.2 [2020 December 28] [x] WPBaery update [x] Envato market update 2.3.1 [2020 December 09] [x] Removed force deactivation of swipebox [x] Added Swipebox v 5.6 2.3.0 [2020 December 09] [x] WordPress 5.6 updates [x] Force disable Easy Swipebox [x] Removed easy swipebox plugin from the list of required plugins because incompatible with wp 5.6 [x] WPBakery Page Builder udpate [2020 August 12] [x] Theme core update for wp 5.5 2.2.8 [2020 July 13] [x] Woocommerce update [x] WPBakery update 2.2.7 [2020 January 07] [x] Added shortcode Events List [x] WPBakery Page Builder updated 2.2.6 [2019 December 04] [x] UPDATED WooCommerce compatibility [x] UDPATED WordPress 5.3 compatibility 2.2.5 [2019 October 01] [x] UPDATED Page Builder plugin 2.2.4 [2019 May 24] [x] UPDATED Qt Videogallery plugin [x] UPDATED Page Builder plugin 2.2.3 [2019 April 18] [x] UPDATED WooCommerce compatibility to 3.6 version 2.2.2 [2019 April 04] [x] UPDATED sharing tempalte: removed google+ [x] UPDATED plugin Page Builder 2.2.1 [2019 January 28] [x] UPDATED Plugins Repo [x] UPDATED WooCommerce Compatibility 2.2 [2018 December 07] [x] WordPress 5 compatibility [x] UPDATED plugin WPBakery Page Builder V5.6 [x] UPGRADED compatibility to WooCommerce 3.5.2 [x] ADDED plugin Classic Editor 2.1.6 [2018 November 13] [x] UPDATED plugin WPBakery Page Builder V5.5.5 [x] ADDED linkedin icon to team members [x] FIXED previous and next post links [x] FIXED sidebar setting of customizer 2.1.5 [2018 October 05] [x] UPDATED plugin category bg to 1.1.2 [x] UPDATED plugin WPBakery page BUilder to 5.5.4 [x] UPDATED custom bg template part-background-image-header.php 2.1.4 [2018 August 29] [x] UPDATED qtPlaces to 1.8.1 [x] UPDATED events widget to 1.0.4 [x] UPDATED Page Builder plugin [x] UPDATED Envato Market plugin 2.1.2 [2018 May 28] [x] ADDED Added autoplay option to carousel shortcode [x] UPDATED plugins [x] UPDATED contact form form GDPR compliance [x] WOOCOMMERCE 3.4.0 update 2.1.1 [2018 May 08] IMPORTANT: remember to update the plugins * Added Instagram in member social icons * Added support for LearnPress 3 * Added category background support 2.0.1 [2018 March 16] * Updated plugin Page Composer * TTG Core plugin update * QT Places plugin update 2.0.0 [2018 March 06] * Updated visual composer Row template * TTG Core plugin update * QT Places plugin update 1.9.8 [2018 February 14] * WooCommerce update to 3.3.1 1.9.7 [2017 January 08] * Added LMS demo * Added LearnPress support * UPDATED Theme Core version * UPDATED parallax function in main.js * sharepage.php: updated #via parameter twitter 1.9.5 [2017 November 27] * UPDATED Visual Composer to 5.4.5 * UPDATED QT Contactform for SMTP compatibility 1.9.3 [2017 November 13] * Envato Market update * UPDATED WooCommerce 3.2.3 support * UPDATED QT Places plugin 1.8 [2017 September 16] * added container to inner row 1.7 [2017 September 01] * Added LinkedIn share button * Added MailChimp plugin * Added CF7 1.6 [2017 August 31] * Added optional time value for Events countdown * added translatability for countdown labels (days, hours...) 1.5 [2017 July 17] * UPDATED demo contents now setting also menus * UPDATED demo contents fixed demo 1 * UPDATED QT Contact form plugin 1.4 [2017 07 12] * Updated Visual Composer * Updated QT Contact form: better translatability and Privacy is not mandatory anymore * Updated WooCommerce compatibility 1.2.4 [2017 05 02] * added check on woocommerce activation on menu.php and footerwidgets.php 1.2.3 [2017 04 28] * updated TTG Core plugin [automatic update: go in the Plugins page and follow instructions] * updated QT Places Plugin [automatic update: go in the Plugins page and follow instructions] * updated QT Contactform Plugin [automatic update: go in the Plugins page and follow instructions] 1.2.2 [2017 04 18] * added 3 text colors (text color over primary, over accent and over secondary) * added secondary menu bar * added shrinking effect on desktop scroll * added cards fx hover * added off-canvas extra sidebar * added page-empty.php template (no header or footer) * added wooCommerce support * added wooCommerce header settings * updated Visual Composer * the template part 'phpincludes/part-searchbar' was removed from all the single template files and added in menu.php 1.0.1 [2017 04 13] * phpincludes/customization.php:139 added customizability to title brackets * ttgcore-setup/shot-carousel.php, shot-post-grid.php, shot-slideshow.php: added post offset parameter * ttgcore-setup/shot-buttons.php: added "LINK TARGET" parameter * phpincludes/part-archive-item-members.php, part-archive-item-podcast.php:15 added link to archive page on the icon * updated Visual Composer plugin [manual update: unzip the folder in onair2/TGM-Plugin-Activation/plugins/ and upload in wp-content/plugins] * updated QT Places plugin [automatic update: go in the Plugins page and follow instructions]