Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme
ID: 38683441
Category : Corporate
  • candidate
  • career
  • employment
  • job application
  • job board
  • job board wordpress theme
  • job listing
  • job portal
  • job postings
  • job seeker
  • jobs
  • listing
  • recruiting
  • recruitment
  • resume
  • Elementor Compatible Job Board Theme
  • Job Board WordPress Theme
  • Jobs Listing, JobBoard Site & Jobs Web Portal

Jobster is a powerful WordPress theme built to help you create a job listings website. Providing beautifully crafted demos to help you get started, it’s incredibly easy to get your website up and running.

The theme is packed with powerful and intuitive features, providing endless possibilities. It comes with an entire suite of beautifully designed layout components from page heroes to jobs presentations, card designs, and many more.

Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Intro Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Demos Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Jobs List Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Single Job Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Companies List Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Single Company Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Candidates List Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Single Candidate Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Candidate Dashboard Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Company Dashboard Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Core Features Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Translation Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Documentation Jobster - Smart Job Board WordPress Theme - Author

Demo User Access

For demo user access, please click here.

Candidate User Test Account

Username: candidate
Password: 1234

Company User Test Account

Username: company
Password: 1234


  • Modern, clean, and intuitive design
  • Fully responsive
  • Based on Bootstrap 5 toolkit
  • Retina ready
  • Documentation included
  • Easy to customize
  • Cross-browser compatible
  • Valid HTML5 markup
  • Many components and widgets
  • Unique CSS animations
  • Clean, well organized, and commented code
  • Multiple page header designs
  • Candidate front-end registration
  • Company front-end registration
  • Custom Elementor widgets
  • Custom page editor blocks
  • Front-end profile management
  • Candidate manage applications
  • Manage favourite jobs
  • Dashboard notification system
  • Messaging between company and candidate
  • Front-end submit job offers
  • Company jobs management
  • Company candidates management
  • Dashboard analytics
  • Front-end upload resume
  • SEO optimization
  • Job application without account
  • Featured jobs listed first
  • Profile video support
  • Paid and free jobs listing
  • Job expiration date
  • Membership plans
  • User registration approval system
  • Profile gallery/portfolio
  • Google jobs schema support
  • Custom page redirect after user sign in
  • Jobs custom fields
  • Email templates editor
  • And many more…


v1.9 – May 31, 2023

Added email verification for user registration (see Jobster > Authentication > Enable Email Verification on User Registration Process)
Added option for users to be signed in before applying to external URLs (see Jobster > Jobs > Candidate has to Signin Before Applying to External Job URL)
Added CANDIDATE_PHONE variable to Job Application Notification email template (see Jobster > Jobs > Email Templates > Job Application Notification)
Added options to make Type of employment and Experience level optional fields when submitting new jobs (see Jobster > Jobs)
Fixed some string translation issues
Fixed a issue with jobs search results
Fixed a security issue when deleting jobs from company dashboard
Fixed company email address to be hidden on single job template when option enabled
Fixed count jobs issue for job categories
Fixed job expiration date issue
Fixed translation for "Apply" string
Fixed external URL application link to open in a new tab
Fixed an issue when there was no Buy button for membership plans when a company finishes the job credits and the plan hasn't expired yet

v1.8 – May 12, 2023

Added autocomplete functionality to location fields (see Jobster > General > Location Field Type)
Added Job Alerts notifications for candidates (see Jobster > Jobs > Enable Job Alerts)
Added custom fields to Company (see Jobster > Companies Custom Fields)
Added custom fields to Candidate (see Jobster > Candidates Custom Fields)
Added password reveal functionality to password fields
Added option to change the job date format to "Time ago" (see Jobster > Jobs > Job Date Format)
Added job posting approval process (see Jobster > Jobs > Enable Job Posting Approval Process; Jobster > Pending Jobs)
Added custom icon feature to job categories
Added option to make resume field optional (see Jobster > Candidates > Resume)
Added job benefits section to Job 
Added HTML tags support for footer copyright section
Added Company column on admin dashboard > Jobs 
Added option to hide salary field from submit job form
Added "Post a Job" menu item to company user menu
Added global Job Validity Period set by admin for all job postings (see Jobster > Jobs > Job Validity Period)
Added option to hide email address for Candidate (see Jobster > Candidates > Hide Email Address)
Added option to hide email address for Company (see Jobster > Companies > Hide Email Address)
Fixed an issue where front-end media files were not being deleted from Media Library
Fixed an issue that prevented the candidate to access their own profile page
Fixed a responsive layout issue on front-end dashboards
Fixed count number of jobs on filter jobs items
Fixed and issue for nav menu to close when anchor items are clicked
Fixed a security issue for contact company and candidate forms

v1.7 – Feb 19, 2023

Added "Half Image" page header
Added "Center Image" page header
Added "Image Pills" page header
Added "Right Image" page header
Added Search Jobs WP editor block and Elementor widget
Added new design options to Categories editor block and Elementor widget
Added new design options to Job cards
Added WYSIWYG editor to the Work experience field on Candidate edit profile page
Added 5 new demos:

v1.6 – Dec 15, 2022

Added page templates for Sign In and Sign Up forms (see Pages)
Added custom fields to Job posting (see Jobster > Jobs Custom Fileds)
Added HTML editor for email templates (see Jobster > Email Templates)
Added support for doc and docx uploaded files
Added CV attachment to the notification that company receives on candidate application
Added option to change the images for Sign In and Sign Up forms (see Jobster > Authentication)
Added option to disable page loader (see Jobster > General)
Added photo gallery and video to company profile
Added cover color option for candidate and company
Added multiple display of Work Level and Employment Type in Job details page
Added missing fields to Job Categories Elementor widget
Fixed some email notifications not being sent
Fixed Google Jobs Schema issue
Fixed interface issue on Media Library after activating Jobster Plugin
Fixed user approval process issue in Firefox

v1.5 – Nov 03, 2022

Added option to show salary on job cards (Jobster > Jobs > Show Salary on Job Cards)
Added filter Jobs by Category and Type in Candidate dashboard > Manage Jobs
Added option to add new locations in front-end dashboards (Jobster > Candidates/Companies/Jobs)
Added job expiration date
Added option to display job expiration date (Jobster > Jobs > Display Job Expiration Date)
Added user registration approval process (options in Jobster > Authentication; new settings section: Jobster > Pending Users)
Added Additional Files section to Candidate profile and anonymous job application
Updated Stripe and Paypal currencies lists
Fixed locations selector sorting issue
Fixed Google Jobs Schema issue
Fixed sign in redirect to 404 issue

v1.4 – Sep 20, 2022

Fixed sign in redirect URLs issue
Fixed reset password modal
Fixed edit candidate profile photo
Fixed resume upload (multiple files selection) on anonymous job application form
Added parent locations support
Added new logo version for transparent header (Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Transparent Header Logo)
Added gallery/portfolio for candidate
Add video for candidate (YouTube)
Added document upload for companies
Added Careerjet API integration
Added Job Categories page template and changed the job categories block/widget to support the added template
Changed the featured jobs cards from dark design to default and added a “FEATURED” user defined badge

v1.3 – Aug 25, 2022

Added redirect page options after login for candidate/company
Added option to disable candidate/company registration
Added job application restriction for candidates with incomplete profile
Added option for candidate to apply for job without being registered
Added restrictions to view candidate sections/profile page/list
Added option to redirect the job application button to external URL
Added option to redirect the company's page to an external URL
Added social networks and website sections in candidate profile
Added option for website admin to enable membership plans for companies
Added access to candidate resume in membership plans
Added job search button on candidate dashboard
Fixed reset password modal not showing up on return to website from email generated URL

v1.2 – Aug 08, 2022

Added membership plans and pay per job posting (PayPal and Stripe integrations)
Fixed php notices on jobs search results page
Fixed candidates list for draft jobs in company dashboard

v1.1 – Jul 19, 2022

Added structured data to job postings (Job Posting Schema)
Fixed some "undefined" labels in back-end forms

v1.0 – Jul 08, 2022

Initial Release
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