I-News is a responsive HTML news, blog, magazine template. The user can use by especially magazine, blog & newspaper for online. I-News comes with many features for some popular topics like business, fashion, game, entertainment, lifestyle, sport, technology, politics, travel, weather, video, etc. section.
ver. 1.0 (May 01, 2017) - Initial release
ver. 2.0 (Jan 06, 2018) - New: RTL layout. - New: Dark layout.
ver. 2.1.1 (May 28, 2020) - Fixed: Fixed some CSS issue - Fixed: Fixed some validation issue - Change: file structure - Update: Updated the latest version of Bootstrap 3 (v3.4.1) - Update: Updated jQuery latest version - Update: Updated theia sticky sidebar latest version - Update: Updated owl carousel 2 latest version - Update: Font Awesome - Version 5.13.0 updated and changes all HTML classes.
Release v3.0 (May 28, 2023) - Change: Change navigation - Change: Footer responsive style - Fixed: Fixed some CSS issue - Fixed: Fixed some validation issue - Fixed: Fixed some responsive issue - Update: Updated the latest version of Bootstrap 5 (v5.3.0-alpha3) - Update: Updated jQuery latest version (v3.7.0)