iLearning is an clean and elegant online courses template, created for those who want to become courses and want to promote most interesting media. GetSkills Html files are well organized and named accordingly so it’s very easy to change anything: colors, fonts, images and any section of the html files.
All assets that was used in this template are free to use.
- 05 Exclusive Homepage variations
- 45+ HTML pages
- Build with Bootstrap 5
- Based on Bootstrap 1170px Grid System
- Full width: 1920px
- Dynamic / Active contact form
- Icon font FontAwesome 5
- Google Fonts
- Working Contact form
- W3C Validated Code
- Clean Code
- Creative and Modern Design
- Fully Responsive
- Smooth animations
- Easy to customize
- SEO friendly code
- Speed Optimized
- Cross Browser Support
- Well Documented
- No console error
- jQuery latest version
- & much more…
* Files included: *
- Html files
- Proper Documentation
Please Note: Images in the main file are replaced by placeholders, all images are used for demo purpose only. Don t worry about elements, shapes and graphic, it is already in your main file.
If you need any help to use the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact me via my Themeforest profile. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I ll appreciate it very much!....
Thank you.