1. Woocommerce supported
2. Megamenu supported
3. Marekting tool “Convertplus” plugin added
4. Additional color added
5. Child theme included
Genemy is a theme that has been built to serve a number of purposes. It is a WordPress theme that consists of an array of the Landing Page Layouts. In the case of Genemy, the default Landing Page layout is called Demo’d. It features so many things like a really attractive and captivating introduction for the beginning and a section of portfolio that contains modals with the bigger image. These modals are the ones that let the users remain on the same page.
In addition to these features, the default Landing Page Layout also contains various other things like typography section dividers as well as testimonial slider also. Finally, coming towards the end of the Landing Page layout, there are the contact details so that one can contact the company easily; plus, there is a CTA button at the end. Genemy is an award-winning agency that makes digital creations.
Genemy carries a very special feature that it has come into existence with the Visual Composer. Visual Composer is a powerful page builder that is valued at the amount of $33.
It is a WordPress Landing Pages Pack, that is clean as well as completely responsive. The features like being powerful pack, usable for so many purposes and creative make it the right choice for so many businesses. Genemy is considered the one best theme for businesses that are new in the industry and for agencies that require a lot of creativity in their work.
It is great for designers as they are always in search of newer and better themes and freelancers also. Hence it’s an effective choice to go with.
Now let us see why one should choose Genemy above other themes.
Following are the reasons:
Besides all of these reasons, there are many more factors that make Genemy theme best in the market. The theme is built with one purpose, that is, to help your business grow whatever industry it is a part of. It has been made with a great team of experts who are well aware of the requirements in the digital world. So they can rightly guide you towards achieving more and better.
In addition to this, the theme holds the power to let your company or business come into motion whatever stage it was at earlier.
Now we’ll go through some particular technical features that the theme Genemy consists of.
Features particular to the theme
Following is the list of technical features of Genemy: powerful theme options, translation ready with pot file, left/right sidebar, full width page and blog layout, drag and drop page builder worth $33b for free as mentioned above also, clean as well as ultra-modern design, additional inner pages that count more than eight, developer friendly commented code and cross-browser compatibility.
These are some of the technical features. There are some more of them: WPML Ready, one click demo install to let you get quick and easy installation, unlimited color presets to make it more colorful and attractive, based on Twitter Bootstrap 4, and font awesome icons that are more than 630 in number. SEO Optimized Page Layouts, for example, use of heading, Google analytics ready, HTML5/CSS3 W3C valid, portfolio and team post type and modern responsive mobile navigation are among other features.
The theme allows easy to understand documentation which is very important in order to save time and efforts. Genemy helps make the work easier by giving dedicated support from its side.
Hence it consists of a whole lot of new and distinguishing features which are responsible for making it the preferred choice for all businesses.
Genemy has gone through various updates of which the most significant are these ones: Woocommerce supported, marketing tool Convertplus plugin added, child theme inclusion, additional color addition as well as megamenu supported.
Click Here to check this theme - 17th April, 2023 1. Added portfolio template active tab setting 2. Updated JS files - 10th April, 2023 1. Tested up to WordPress Version 6.2 2. Fixed php issues - 9th March, 2023 1. Updated WooCommerce outdated templates 2. Updated WooCommerce register form layout 3. Updated search form 4. Updated CSS files 1.6.6 - 9th January, 2023: 1. Added portfolio video popup settings 2. Updated WooCommerce templates 3. Fixed product count control issue 4. Updated CSS files 5. Updated JS files 1.6.5 - 10th November, 2022 1. Updated WooCommerce backdated templates 2. Tested upto WordPress version 6.1 1.6.4 - 21th September, 2022 1. Fixed 400 page image issues 2. Added 404 page custom page content options 3. Updated theme options 4. Fixed admin CSS 1.6.3 - 7th September, 2022 1. Updated demo data - 7th July, 2022 1. Updated Woocommerce form layout 2. Compatible Upto WordPress 6.0 - 12th June, 2022 1. Updated email subscribers form 2. Updated woocommerce login form 1.6.2 - 9th June, 2022 1. Updated option tree 2. Fixed layout change issue 3. Theme required plugin installation issue fixed 1.6.1 - 18th April, 2022 1. WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated 2. Onepage nav scrolling issues fixed 3. JS files updated - 21st January, 2022 1. WP-Bakery Page Builder plugin updated 2. Convertplug plugin updated 1.6.0 - 02nd December, 2021 1. PHP 8.0 issues fixed 2. Woocommerce issues fixed 3. CSS fixed 1.5.9 - 27th September, 2021 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. Email subscriber issues fixed 3. CSS fixed 1.5.8 - 28th July, 2021 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. WP 5.8 compatible issues fixed 3. CSS fixed 4. JS fixed 1.5.7 - 11th May, 2021 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. Convertplug plugins updated 3. CSS fixed 1.5.6 - 25th February, 2021 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. JS Composer plugin updated 3. CSS fixed 1.5.5 - 14th January, 2021 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. CSS fixed 1.5.4 - 1st Jan, 2021 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. Convertplug plugins updated 3. CSS fixed 1.5.3 - 22th December, 2020 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. Google-map updated 3. JS Composer plugins updated. 4. CSS fixed 1.5.2 - 2nd December, 2020 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. Convertplug plugin updated 3. JS Composer plugin updated. 4. CSS fixed 1.5.1 - 05th November, 2020 1. Woocommerce template files updated 2. Convertplug plugin updated 3. CSS fixed 1.5.0 - 30th September, 2020 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. CSS fixed 1.4.9 - 4th september, 2020 1. Headers & Footers scripts added in settings 2. Preloader background options added 3. Theme required plugins updated 4. CSS fixed 1.4.8 - 21th august, 2020 1. WPBakery Page Builder update 2. JS console issues fixed 3. Option tree updated 4. CSS fixed 1.4.7 - 20th august, 2020 1. WP 5.5 compatibility issues fixed 2. Hero slider issues fixed 3. CSS issue fixed 1.4.6 - 13th august, 2020 1. WP 5.5 compatibility issues fixed 2. Theme required plugins updated 3. Product category issues 4. Demo import issues fixed 5. CSS issue fixed 1.4.5 - 18th June, 2020 1. Video Popup issue fixed 2. Typo Issue fixed 3. Post , Portfolio Order Issue fixed 4. CSS issue fixed 1.4.4 - 16th June, 2020 1. Post type order issues fixed 1.4.3 - 15th June, 2020 1. Custom post id's order issues fixed 2. CSS fixed 1.4.2 - 7th June, 2020 1. Product category issues fixed 2. Theme required plugins updated 3. CSS fixed 1.4.1 - 22th April, 2020 1. Theme required plugin updated 2. CSS fixed
1.4.0 - 22th March, 2020 1. Woocommerce template files updated 2. Convertplug plugin updated 3. Active menu class issues fixed 4. CSS fixed
1.3.8 - 10th January, 2020 1. JS Composer plugin updated. 2. Backtotop on-off options added 3. Video popup options added in post 4.JS file updated 5. CSS fixed
1.1.2 - 9 December, 2019 1. Newsletter bugs fixed 2. CSS fixed
1.3.6 - 12th November, 2019 1. Portfolio Single updated 2. Team Single updated 3. Newsletter updated 4. Single post, portfolio title tag options added 5. CSS fixed
1.3.5 - 8th October, 2019 1. Hero Creative Business background image option added 2. Demo Data updated 3. CSS fixed
1.3.4 - 26th August, 2019 1. Typography issues fixed 2. Nav menu hover color issues fixed 3. Woocommerce files updated 4. Video background element added 5. CSS fixed
1.3.3 - 22th July, 2019: 1. JS Composer plugin updated. 2. CSS fixed
1.3.2 - 30th June, 2019 1. JS Composer plugin updated. 2. Demo data import issues fixed 3. CSS fixed
1.3.0 - 21th April, 2019 1. Post Carousel added 2. Post Isotope added 3. Woocommerce template files updated 4. RTL Supported 5. Plugins updated 6. JS file updated 7. CSS fixed
1.2.9 - 14th March, 2019 1. Typography bug fixed 2. Plugins updated 3. Woocommerce css files updated 4. Email subscriber widget issues fixed 5. landing page template logo height issues fixed 6. CSS fixed
1.2.8 - 10th March, 2019 1. Modal button options added in header nav button 2. Guttenberg optimized 3. Woocommerce css files updated 4. Email subscriber form issues fixed 5. CSS fixed
1.2.7 - 16th Feb, 2019 1. Pricing table button position options added 2. WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated 3. CSS fixed
1.2.5 - 19th January, 2019 1. Single blog post Comment submission bug fixed 2. Product quantity bug fixed 3. Woocommerce wishlist bug fixed 4. Single product popup options included 5. Typography options added in "Section title" VC element 6. Subscription form bug fixed 7. Js files updated 8. CSS fixed
1.2.3 - 8th January, 2019 1. Twitter share link fixed 2. Plugin updated
1.2.2 - 6th January, 2019 1. Responsive issue fixed for nav style2 2. Multiple sentences in the “lead text” area 3. Add Carousel options on Testimonial and Our clients element 4. Footer spacing issues fixed 5. Custom typography & highlight text options added Some of elements 'genemy_slide_item', 'genemy_text_box', 'genemy_hero_slide', 'genemy_hero_slide', 'genemy_startup_landing', 'genemy_startup_agency', 'genemy_hero_design_studio', 'genemy_hero_digital_agency', 'genemy_hero_marketing_agency', 'genemy_hero_app_showcase', 'genemy_creative_business', 'genemy_hero_business_agency', 'genemy_hero_freelancer', 'genemy_hero_app_landing',
1.2.1 - 14th December, 2018 1. Our clients link option added 2. Portfolio single page display options added 3. Sharing icon option (color/grey) added 4. Menu & submenu typography options added in theme options 5. CSS fixed
1. Subscription bug fixed 2. Demo data update 3. Responsive issues fixed 4. Woocommerce Updated
1.1.0 - 26th Oct, 2018 Changelog: 1. Woocommerce supported 2. Megamenu supported 3. Marekting tool "Convertplus" plugin added 4. Additional color added 5. Header background image change issues fixed 6. Video popup issues fixed 7. Responsive issues fixed 8. Hero content, Hero Slide added 9. Section content element added 10. JS fixed 11. Responsive issues fixed 12. Child theme included
Note: Images used in preview are for demo purpose only