Freebird is a Photography Portfolio HTML Website Template built with HTML5 and CSS3. It is based on the popular Bootstrap Framework, making it extremely flexible and easy to customize. The template is perfect for photographers, with a clean and neat design and a modern and innovative approach. It features a light and dark version and includes more than 70 HTML files.
Freebird is designed to be fully responsive, meaning it will look great on any device, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This is especially important in today’s digital age, as a significant portion of internet users access the web through mobile devices. A responsive design allows a website to automatically adjust its layout to fit the screen size of the device it is being viewed on, providing an optimal browsing experience for all users.
Some key features of Freebird include stylish layouts, a working contact form, hover animations, smooth page transitions, Google Maps, Google Fonts, Font Awesome icons (free version), a content carousel, and compatibility with video backgrounds. It also has a full-screen slider and carousel, as well as parallax effects and a portfolio grid with Isotope filters.
Freebird has a sliding header and offers three intro styles, nine album styles, four album item styles, seven album grid layouts, five album masonry columns, three album gutters styles, 12 gallery styles, four gallery columns, three gallery gutters styles, and seven gallery hover styles. It also has five menu variations, six blog layouts, and nine page styles. The code is well organized and commented, making it easy for developers to work with.
In addition to being SEO friendly, Freebird also comes with free lifetime updates and reliable support. It is compatible with all major latest browsers and includes many more features. Overall, Freebird is a comprehensive HTML5 and CSS3 template that is perfect for photographers looking to create a stunning portfolio website.
Direct link to the demo site:
* Please take note that this is an HTML template, not a WordPress theme!
* Images used on the demo site are licensed to their respective owners and are not included in the final download package! They are only used for demonstration purposes.
* Style Switcher used on the demo site is not included in the final download package! It is only used for demonstration purposes. You can find instructions on how to change the style if you read the documentation.
I am available for freelance hire. If you need customizations to your website then please do not hesitate to contact me, we can discuss it.
* Note that this service will charge you extra!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
v1.6 – 08 August 2021
- Updated: "jQuery" to the latest version. - Updated: "YTPlayer" to the latest version. - Updated: "FontAwesome" to the latest version. - Updated: "Nicescroll" to the latest version. - Updated: "Isotope" to the latest version. - Updated: "Imagesloaded" to the latest version. - Updated: "jQuery Easing" plugin to the latest version. - Improved: Head section of HTML files. - Improved: General HTML improvements. - Improved: General cosmetic CSS improvements.
v1.5 – 15 February 2018
- Fixed: submenu issue on click.
v1.4 – 13 April 2017
- Fixed: gutter issue on "gallery-list-horizontal-scroll.html" page
v1.3 – 24 February 2017
- Added: Video Compatibility
v1.2 – 6 February 2017
- Added: 4 new single gallery layouts gallery-single-sidebar-left-grid.html gallery-single-sidebar-right-grid.html gallery-single-sidebar-left-slider.html gallery-single-sidebar-right-slider.html - Removed: Single gallery sticky sidebar page (gallery-single-sticky-sidebar.html) - Made some general improvements.
v1.1 – 23 January 2017
- Updated: LightGallery to the latest version. - Changed: Gallery info title on single gallery slider page. - Fixed: Buttons CSS code. - Fixed: Item style issue on albums lists no filter page. - Fixed: Single gallery image caption issue. - Fixed: Filter issue on small screens.
v1.0 – 22 December 2016
- Initial Release.