Even when mobility is limited, we still desire to learn new things and grow. You may understand this and decided to share your knowledge with others teaching online.
I have a perfect theme for the job! The one that delivers your online lessons & courses to everyone, barrier free → the accessibility ready Francesca theme.
Francesca is an accessibility ready WordPress theme ideal for starting an online learning business with ambition to grow. Sell your video, audio or written lessons as downloadable products, or offer paid online video class appointments with help of WooCommerce plugin.
Included library of predesigned block patterns allows you to build your website faster and easier than ever. Seamless thorough integration with WordPress drag & drop block editor (Gutenberg) lets you even design your website footer!
Thank you for your interest in Francesca accessibility ready WordPress theme!
Please feel free to choose it for your inclusive e-learning website project
Suggestion to build a language courses theme came from my language teacher friend.
While searching for a suitable feminine name I stumbled upon “Francesca”. An Italian origin name derived from the Latin name “Franciscus” meaning “the Frenchman”.
Italian, Latin and French? For an online language courses theme? I had a winner!
Meet Francesca, get to know her better:
Francesca theme…
provides the best experience for your website visitors,
users and editors love how easy it is to work with,
administrators and developers value its flexibility,
…and here is why:
Please make sure your hosting/server environment meets these theme requirements:
Obtain free automatic theme updates with Envato Market plugin.
For update changes please see the changelog.md
file inside the theme folder.
In case you can’t find the answer in theme documentation, feel free to ask and search at the dedicated support center.
Tip: Check out Appearance → Welcome page for info, instructions, tips and resources.
Hi, my name is Oliver.
I’m Envato Market’s WordPress Requirements Compliant 5-stars author focusing on simplicity, beauty and ease of use in my products at WebManDesign.eu.
My specialty is building accessibility ready WordPress themes (and plugins) used by thousands of happy customers around the world. I love to see customers smile
Waking up every day to make online world more accessible and inclusive place.
Let’s make it so together!
Follow me at Facebook/@WebManDesignEu or Twitter/@WebManDesignEu.
Thank you for your time and interest!