Finance - Consulting, Accounting WordPress Theme
ID: 19444449
Category : Corporate
  • advisor
  • analytical
  • audit
  • broker
  • brokerage
  • business wp
  • consulting
  • consulting wp
  • finance
  • financial
  • insurance
  • trader
  • trading
  • company
  • business
  • Drag and Drop Page Builder
  • Finance WordPress Theme
  • One click installation of demo with images
Finance Version 1.4.7 supports now both Elementor and WPBakery Page Builders. Live Demo WPBakery
Elementor Builder, WPBakery and Revolution Slider for Free!


Finance – Consulting, Accounting WordPress Theme

Finance is a WordPress theme exclusively built for finance, accounting, financial, brokerage, coaching, law office, bussines planning and consulting websites.

Based on our super-flexible Framework, Finance is by far a multi-purpose and responsive theme allowing you to set up your own web page without painfulness with its outstanding feature such as varied header with 5+ styles, powerful options throughout each page, post, drag & drop Page Builder, speed & SEO optimized. Use Finance to build any website.

images images




Version 1.4.7 June 30, 2023

- Fixed bugs iconbox version Visual Composer not working PHP 8.xx

Version 1.4.6 February 03, 2023

- Old demo has an error, update one click import demo

Version 1.4.5 June 22 2022

- Fixed bug notice 

Version 1.4.4 April 13 2022

- Update widget imagebox for Page Builder Elementor

Version 1.4.3 April 8 2022

- Fixed widget Themesflat Recent Post

Version 1.4.2 March 30 2022

- Fixed bug demo not working Elementor 3.6.1
- Fixed bug plugin Themesflat Addons 1.01 Not working Elementor 3.6.1 ( How to solve bugs: Deactivate and Re-Installer plugin Themesflat Addons The following required plugin already included in the theme )

Version 1.4.1 December 10 2021

- Fixed minor error PHP 8

Version 1.4.0 September 21 2021

- Update Deprecated: Elementor\Scheme_Color is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use Elementor\Core\Schemes\Color instead

Version 1.3.9 June 09 2021

- Update functions change Name Slug Portfolio
- Added Revolution Slider in Home Page Builder Elementor
- Fixed some bug change color scheme not working

Version 1.3.8 April 13 2021

- Enable Editor Page Builder Elementor Portfolio Single

Version 1.3.7 April 10 2021

- Fixed bug socials link not working bottom

Version 1.3.6 April 05 2021

- Fixed bug Portfolio Category Not Working On Page Builder Elementor

Version 1.3.5 March 22 2021

- Fixed bug Socials not working on Topbar

Version 1.3.4 Junuary 3 2021

- Updated added Revolution Slider for Page Builder Elementor.

Version 1.3.3 November 24 2020

- Updated supports both Elementor and WPBakery Page Builders

Version 1.3.2 March 26 2020

- Updated catch wrong google api key font in customizer.

Version 1.3.1 December 18, 2019

- Add function ON/OFF target="_blank" for shortcode imagebox

Version 1.3.0 July 31, 2019

- Updated Latest version Visual Composer

Version 1.2.9 May 21, 2019

- Updated latest version VisualComposer & RevolutionSlider

Version 1.2.8 May 06, 2019

- Updated latest version VisualComposer & RevolutionSlider
- Added one page 

Version 1.2.7 Junuary 22, 2019

- Updated latest version VisualComposer & RevolutionSlider

Version 1.2.5 November 06, 2018

- Changed the One Click Install  method use plugin     
One Click Demo Import

Version 1.2.4 November 01, 2018

- Update Video One Click Install For documentation
- Update Latest Version Revolution Slider

Version 1.2.4 October 29, 2018

- Updated change name for shortcode Map

Version 1.2.3 August 02, 2018

- Updated Shortcode Google Map Get Api Key From General 

Version 1.2.1 July 05, 2018

- Add option change color button for shortcode iconbox.
- Updated Latest version Visual Composer

Version 1.2.0 June 22, 2018

- Fixed bug one click install sample data WordPress 4.9.6
- Updated Latest version Visual Composer

Version 1.1.8 Jun 08, 2018

- Fixed bug one click install sample data WordPress 4.9.6
- Updated Latest version Revolution Slider

Version 1.1.7 March 24, 2018

- Updated Latest version Visual Composer
- Updated added logo for header sticky

Version 1.1.6 Junuary 04, 2018

- Added Pagination for shortcode post

Version 1.1.6 December 22, 2017

- Added option blog grid 2, 3, 4 Columns

Version 1.1.6 December 13, 2017

- Updated Latest version Visual Composer,
- Added Show Hide Search Header
- Add Show Hide Footer Area
- Fixed Child Theme

Version 1.1.5 November 22, 2017

- Updated Latest version Visual Composer, Revolution Slider

Version 1.1.4 October 14, 2017

- Updated Enable Frontend Editor

Version 1.1.3 August 24, 2017

- Updated Latest Version Visual Composer
- Updated Latest Version Revolution Slider
- Fixed Minor bug change color for theme

Version 1.1.2 Monday, Jully 17, 2017

- Updated Latest Version Visual Composer
- Updated Latest Version Revolution Slider

Version 1.1.1 Monday, June 26, 2017

 -  Fixed Responsive 
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