Con Arch – A modern, catchy and easy-to-use WordPress theme with a solid and functional design. Con Arch is an ideal choice for any building or construction business.
After doing extensive research on multiple construction, factory, project and industrial websites, we have developed this theme which comes with a native layout and includes all functions and features your business needs.
Easy-to-use back-end dashboard powers flexible, modular and responsive layout; theme includes support for Drag & Drop page builder (Elementor plugin), support for WooCommerce and you’ll be able to create nice Project pages.
You will receive a detailed documentation along with additional features like Unlimited color schemes, uncountable Google webfonts, custom widgets and much more.
Functions are based on solid back-end Redux framework.
/ 28 June 2023 / Version 3.0 - added: brand new demo (Contemporary) - added: minimalistic header layout - added: transparent header - added: image filters - added: menu buttons (special class in the menu) - added: news widget - updated: XML import - updated: documentation (demo import) - improved: install plugins from demo import Version 2.1 - updated: Themnific Posts plugin - fixed: projects thumbnail resolution - added: support for Gutenberg editor - added: One Click demo import - added: wider container - improved: mobile menu UX/UI - improved: posts layouts - improved: page header (Hero section) - updated: Font Awesome icon font Version 1.2 - fixed: issues with font selector in admin panel Version 1.1 - fixed: crop resolution of project images - improved: projects appearance on mobile screens Version 1.0 - initial release