Ap Fashion Store is a modern responsive Shopify theme which use Apollo powerful framework .
Moreover, this template is fully functioned and provides an unlimited style variation . Its design is very creative and professional designed for any fashion product related website such as fashion store , clothing shop ,shoes Store , bags Shop and more.
The Shopify theme is powered with AP Framework , one of the best shopify framework. It is fully responsive, twitter bootstrap 3 and supports both CSS3 and HTML5 that help to create refined web pages with semantic accuracy.
The slideshow is the highlight point in homepage which is full for window and auto play with large images, title, description and thumbnail images. You can create beautiful & easy to use responsive slider with very interesting transition effects. Especially, hover effect is used for all module in homepage such as slideshow, all product, blogs items which is optimized to run very smoothly. In general , the design is light, airy , and easy for the eyes.
Ap Fashion Store Shopify Theme comes with lots of built-in functionality which includes powerful admin panel, it allows you to control almost every part of the theme like: Megamenu, Layout, Theme skin, Google Fonts, shopify shorcode and more .The powerful admin panel will help you manage your site better, customize easier.
Version 5.0 (21/2/2022)
[BIG UPDATE]Based Apollo framework 5.0 [New] Metafield integrated [New] Shopify section ready, Drag & drop [New] Multiple fonts for choosing [New] SVG icon, Icomoon Icon with 80+ pre-made icons [New] Perfect retina design [New] Great site performance [New] Boostrap 5.0 with numerous unique features. [New] and much more..
Version 4.0 (11/20/2019)
[BIG UPDATE]Based Apollo framework 4.0 [New] Shopify sections ready, optimized speed [New] Metafields are built-in without applications [New] Upsell, Cross-selling [New] Free shipping, shipping time [New] HTML5 video in products and mega menu [New] HTML generator, popup sales [New] and much more..
Version 2.1
[Fix] Wishlist function [Add] Setting turn on/off multi language [Update] Other updates
Version 2.0
(#) Fix: Load action on mobile. (#) Fix: Product variant (Product page and Quickview) (#) Add: Animated for product list. (#) Fix: Page Customer Order (#) Fix: Slideshow (Add time speed.)
Version 1.2
(#) fix product grid break in collection page (#) fix product attribute in sidebar (#) edit layout for about us page (#) edit layout for blog page (+) add gmap for contact us page (+) add shortcode (+) add rtl function [Modified] file css and js (#) global.js.liquid (#) en.default.json (#) site_temp.scss.liquid (#) menu.scss.liquid (#) head-css.liquid config (#) settings.html Snippets (#) swath.liquid (#) block-blog.liquid (#) block-producttabs.liquid (#) block-productlist.liquid (#) product-carousel.liquid (#) block-google-map.liquid Templates (#) Page.liquid (#) Product.liquid (#) Article.liquid (#) Page-contact.liquid (#) Collections.liquid [add new] file Templates (+) Collection.fullwidth.liquid (+) Collection.fullwidth.list.liquid (+) Collection.rightsidebar.liquid (+) Collection.rightsidebar.list.liquid (+) Product.fullwidth.liquid (+) Product.fullwidth.panel.liquid (+) Product.panel.liquid (+) Product.rightsidebar.liquid (+) Product.rightsidebar.panel.liquid Snippets (+) shortcode.liquid (+) shortcode-accordion.liquid (+) shortcode-alert.liquid (+) shortcode-box.liquid (+) shortcode-button.liquid (+) shortcode-carousel.liquid (+) shortcode-facebook.liquid (+) shortcode-flexslider.liquid (+) shortcode-icon.liquid (+) shortcode-lightbox.liquid (+) shortcode-line.liquid (+) shortcode-owlcarousel.liquid (+) shortcode-productcarousel.liquid (+) shortcode-productlist.liquid (+) shortcode-productlistitem.liquid (+) shortcode-productowlcarousel.liquid (+) shortcode-rawhtml.liquid (+) shortcode-render.liquid (+) shortcode-tab.liquid (+) shortcode-tabbelow.liquid (+) shortcode-tabvertical.liquid (+) shortcode-tooltip.liquid (+) shortcode-youtube.liquid
Version 1.1
(#) fix guide for animated (#) improve css of search page [Modified] file (#) templates/search.liquid (#) snippets/search-bar.liquid (#) snippets/search-result.liquid (#) snippets/search-result-grid.liquid (#) assets/product.scss.liquid
Version 1.0
(+) Add new
Version 2.0
Use for shopify 2.0