Ap Eco Green is one of the most distinctive Shopify themes which offer you with a variety of templates for choosing. With five separated demos, it is suitable for different commodities such as tourism , hotel, sport, Restaurant and Multi-stores.
Ap Eco Green has perfectly and beautifully combination of color, slider, banners and layout to draw visitors’ attention. This responsive template has a full width sliders and widen banner to show your new arrivals and promotion activities to immediately approach your customers ’s heart.
Moreover, Social Network and blogs are nicely displayed for customer to track the information of store as Promotion or Coupon Code.
Ap Eco Green is powered with AP Framework , one of the best Shopify Framework. It is fully responsive and support both Css3 and Html5, shortcodes, bootstrap3, font awesome and so much more that help to create refined web pages with semantic accuracy. Shortcode is powerful point of our shopify framework, you can create objects such as, facebook, youtube, alert or much more that would normally require lots of complicated.
With perfect combination of design and technology, Ap Eco Green promises a great sense of satisfaction whenever you surf the web.
Version 1.1
[Add] Setting turn on/off multi language [Fix] Wishlist function [Fix] Javascript error when turn off Ajax Cart [Update] Ajax search