Adams - Responsive Retina WordPress News, Magazine, Blog
ID: 5736863
Category : Blog / Magazine
  • ads box
  • blog
  • dark skin
  • live customizer
  • magazine
  • mega menus
  • news
  • ratings
  • review
  • rich snippet
  • rtl
  • seo
  • translation
  • woocommerce
  • wpml
  • Homepage Blocks Live Builder With Ads Boxes
  • Instant Styling Theme and Widgets Separately
  • Live Customizer, WooCommerce Shop


Adams Newspaper, Magazine and Blog - Update 2021 - All New Theme

Adams is a Responsive Retina News, Magazine and Blog Theme, it’s built with an HTML5, Rich Snippet, CSS3, and FontAwesome Vector Fonts


Build Homepage Blocks Using Live Customizer

Adams Newspaper, Magazine and Blog - Build Homepage Blocks


Build Page’s Widgets and Styling it Instantly

Adams Newspaper, Magazine and Blog - Customize Widgets

Updates Changelog

Version 7.3.0 – 13 January, 2023
- FIX: WooCommerce v7.0 Compatibility.
- FIX: Translating
Version 7.2.1 – 30 September, 2021
- FIX: WooCommerce New Blocks Styles.
- FIX: Firefox Styling Issues
Version 7.2.0 – 29 September, 2021
- FIX: WooCommerce New Blocks Styles.
- FIX: WPML Compatibility Issues
- FIX: Styling Issues.
Version 7.1.0 – 27 September, 2021
- NEW: WooCommerce Supported.
- FIX: Dark Skin Issues
- FIX: Styling Issues.
- FIX: Typography Issues.
Version 7.0.0 – 20 September, 2021 – HUGE UPDATE – Built New Theme
- NEW: We've reduced the number of requests for the database and collect all database fields (for each post) in a single field.
- NEW: Transform to the WordPress Live Customizer 
- NEW: SVG Logo 
- NEW: Instant Home Blocks Builder
- NEW: Ability to make different Page Layout and Sidebars for Homepage, Posts, Pages, Category, Archive, Tag, Search pages.
- NEW: Support FontAwesome v5.15
- NEW: Colorizing Widgets (Most Liked Box, Classic Posts, Slide Posts, Review Posts, News in Pictures, HTML Text) with a different color
- NEW: Convert obslete (I Recommend This)'s Plugin with our own Likes system.
- NEW: Use (Post Views Counter) plugin Instead of our views system.
- NEW: Styling Everything Instantly
- NEW: Widget - HTML Text

- FIX: Issues with WordPress 5.0+ 
- FIX: Issues With PHP 7
- FIX: Sticky Sidebars
- FIX: All Homepage Sliders Lagging

- DROPPED: Widget - Social Counter 
- DROPPED: Twitter Ticker Footer
- DROPPED: Plugin: I Recommend This

Version 6.0 – 15 July, 2018

- Rebranding
- Fix: HTTP Insecure Requests
- Fix: Minimizing CSS with Autopimize plugin
- Fix: PHP 7.0 Compatibility
- Fix: WordPress 4.9 Compatibility
- Fix: i Recommend This plugin security issues fixed
- Fix: Twitter OAuth conflict with other Twitter plugins
- Fix: Dribbble API v2 
- Fix: Dribbble Fans Counter
- Fix: RTL slides and style issues
- Improve: Up To 5x speed 
- Improve: Overlap Animations
- Minor Bug Fixes.


Version 5.4 [ 09 . Feb . 2016 ]
NEW: Adding images sizes.
NEW: Convert into WordPress audio/video shortcodes.
Fixed: Most Liked Posts Widget.
Fixed: Large Slider in RTL Layout.
Fixed: Facebook Like Box
Fixed: Google+ box
Version 5.3 [ 05 . Feb . 2016 ]
NEW: Full-width Grid Slider
NEW: Google+ and Instagram new APIs and followers counter
Fixed: WPML suppress_filters issues
Fixed: Minor security issues

Version 5.2 [ 01 . Feb . 2016 ]
NEW: One Sidebar Layout
NEW: Option to show adv in mobile devices
NEW: Options to customize mobile menu.
Fixed: New sidebars issues.
Improved: now using Secure SSL.
Improved: WPML Compatibility.
Version 5.1 [ 25 . Jan . 2016 ]
- NEW: Bootstrap 3.3
- NEW: FontAwesome 4.5
- NEW: Retina Ready
- NEW: Coloring Posts
- NEW: Unlimited Sidebars
- NEW: Sticky Sidebar
- NEW: Assign Sidebar for each post/page/archive/category/tag and search pages
- NEW: Mega Menu for submenus and category
- NEW: Iconizing menu become very easy
- NEW: User Ratings
- NEW: Pros/Cons List
- NEW: Widget: Review Posts by [best user ratings, best reviews and recent reviews]
- NEW: CategoryBox: Review Posts by [best user ratings and recent reviews]
- NEW: Responsive: New menu in mobile devices
- NEW: Reduce 70% of total requests, Now Adams become faster 3x times.
- NEW: Apple devices icons available
- NEW: More than 75 Retina Social Icons.
- NEW: Ability to coloring stars in review post and users stars
- NEW: Share Icons.
- NEW: RTL Slider.
- NEW: Demo

- Fixed: WPML compatibility issues.
- Fixed: Slowing issue.
- Fixed: Rich Snippet and SEO issues
- Fixed: Posts excerpt issue
- Fixed: All Responsive issues
- Fixed: Mobile Menu and replace it with a new one.
- Fixed: Facebook Opengraph.
- Fixed: PHP 5.2 Compatibility issues
- Fixed: All Structured Data issues.
- Fixed: RTL Style issues in Mobile Devices.
- Fixed: (Style Broken) Paginated post
- Fixed: Some code and security issues.

- Improvements: Remove all combined images and replace it with vector icons instead.
- Improvements: Combine 90% of all files and reduce theme's folder size.
- Improvements: Wordpress Security and SQL Injection Vulnerability.
- Improved: Best User Rates result when post users gives only 5 stars (very rare sorting issue).
- Minor Bug Fixes.
Version 4.2 (13-November-2015)
- NEW: Facebook, Youtube and Dribbble new APIs.
- Fixed: Social Counter Widget.
- PHP 5.2 Compatibility issues.
- WordPress v4.3 Compatibility issues.
- Improvements: Code and Style.
- Minor Bug Fixes.
Version 4.0 (29-April-2015)
- Fixed: SQL Injection Vulnerability.
- Fixed: Seurity issues in comment box.
- Fixed: Facebook open graph.
- Improved: Twitter ticker included links issue.
- Improved: Breadcrumb.
- Improved: Shortcodes plugin compatibility.
- RTL broken images.
- Fixed: Style Issues.
- Minor Bug Fixes.
Version 3.3 (13-October-2014)
- Fixed: Instgram icon invisible issues.
- Fixed: An English grammar issue.
- Fixed: Style Issues.
- Minor Bug Fixes.
Version 3.2 (07-August-2014)
- Fixed: Dark skin issues.
- Fixed: Review posts issues.
- Minor Bug Fixes.

Version 3.1 (01-June-2014)

- Fixed: WPML Plugin compatibility issues.
- Fixed: Review posts issues.
- Minor Bug Fixes.


Version 3.0 (22-February-2014)

- New: Plugin - i Recommend This.
- New: Widget - Most Likes Posts.
- New: Widget - Classic Posts.
- New: Option to turn on/off post meta info from Homepage categories box.
- Fixed: New Google Map iFrame in posts, pages and widgets.
- Fixed: Style Issues in RTL Layout and Firefox browser.
- Fixed: Minor Bug Fixes.


Version 2.4 (07-January-2014)

- New: Ability to use theme as a Blog to resolve pagination issues when set Blog-Page as Front-Page.
- New: Show/Hide author email icon.
- Improved: pagination by adding new Next/Prev buttons.
- Fixed:Clear white spaces in responsive.
- Fixed: Some Style Issues.
- Fixed: Minor Bug Fixes.


Version 2.3 (09-December-2013)

New: Dark Skin
New: Odnoklassniki & VK Russian Networks Icons.
New: VK Share Button in an article page.
Improved: Some Style Issues
Fixed: Minor Fixes.


Version 2.2 (21-November-2013)

Fixed: Page layout sidebars inverting.
Fixed: Responsive issues in Homepage and Post page.
Fixed: Firefox Style issues in RTL.
Improve: some issues and bugs.


Version 2.1 (20-November-2013)

Fixed: Some Responsive issues.
Improve: Some bug fixes.


Version 2.0 (19-November-2013)

New: Right To Left languages supporting.
New: Ability to choose specified posts in Breaking News and Slider boxes.
Fixed: Division by zero and some issues in review boxes.
Fixed: Facebook like, share and comment box overlapping.
Fixed: Weather Widget alignment issue.
Fixed: Issues when responsive disabled.
Fixed: Text Widget limited height.
Fixed: Wordpress Comments line break.
Fixed: Ability to disable Facebook commentbox in pages.
Improve: 100% Scale when responsive disabled (Small Devices).
Improve: Some bug fixes.


Version 1.2.0 (05-November-2013)

New: Ability to styling body with pattern images.
New: Ability to styling footer.
New: Option to disable comments box in pages only.
New: Ability to use Social Share Buttons scripts instead of current social-share-buttons.
Improve: Text alignments with small images inside post.
Fix: Issues in page pagination.
Fix: Main Menu delay issues.
Fix: Some issues and bugs.


Version 1.1.7 (17-October-2013)

- Improve: Some Style Issues.


Version 1.1.6 (15-October-2013)

- New: Ability to styling Main Menu.
- New: Ability to add your own Revolution Slider (if you've one) underneath Main Menu with Full Width.
- New: Facebook Share Button.
- Fix: Hide Blog Page title when used as a Front Page.
- Fix: Breaking of some advertisements types.
- Fix: Some Issues and Bugs.
- Improve: Some performance issues.


Version 1.1.5 (11-October-2013)

- New: 2D Flat Main Menu Style (Toggle ON/OFF from Styling Options).
- Fix: Advertisements Widget.
- Fix: Facebook Open Graph.
- Fix: Critical Bugs.
- Fix: Style issues.


Version 1.1.4 (10-October-2013)

- Fix: Some Critical Bugs.


Version 1.1.3 (10-October-2013)

- New: Authorship Information to display the author information in search results.
- New: Breaking News box title.
- Fix: Critical bug in advertisements widget.
- Fix: Related Articles slides effect.
- Improve: Rich Snippet for search engines.
- Improve: Style Issues


Version 1.1.2 (6-October-2013)

- New: Dailymotion video at Video Widget.
- Fixed: Video widget auto play.
- Improve: Main Navigation style in Google Chrome.
- Fixed: Some Issues and Bugs.


Version 1.1.1 (5-October-2013)

- Improve: Style Issues.
- Fixed: Some Issues and Bugs.


Version 1.1 (4-October-2013)

- New: 100% WPML Supported.
- New: Weather Widget.
- New: Option To Disable Responsive.
- New: Option To Disable Mouse Hover Slides Animations.
- Improve: Responsive Issues.
- Fixed: Some Issues and Bugs.



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